Activists: Bill to Protect Minors From Female Genital Mutilation Is Anti-Transgender – IOTW Report

Activists: Bill to Protect Minors From Female Genital Mutilation Is Anti-Transgender

Breitbart- A bill in the Wyoming legislation to criminalize the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) on minors that has bipartisan support is being slammed by transgender activists who claim it discriminates against those who might want surgery to alter their biological sex.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that as many as 200 million girls and women around the world are living with the harmful effects of FMG, which can include chronic pain, recurring infections, incontinence, sexual problems, and complications of pregnancy and labor that increase risk of death to the infant. read more

14 Comments on Activists: Bill to Protect Minors From Female Genital Mutilation Is Anti-Transgender

  1. …I certainly HOPE its “anti-transgender”, since
    1) there is no such THING as “transgender, and
    2) attempts to mutilate children for ANY reason, but PARTICULARLY for fucked-up religio/political reasons should be met with EXTREME force, especially if it is a “doctor” doing it in a betrayal of his Oath and his patients and his God whether he accepts God or NOT, and should have his OWN gentials pulled off with a slowly reversing hydraulic ram, the resultant torn hole debried with a rusty, dull razor, salted with road salt, raped by a horse, then filled with turpentine and set on fire, to start with…

  2. …and if it’s an imam, all of the foregoing PLUS a nice pork rub on his shredded flesh before he dies, and his mosque cleansed with fire, with the other adherents to his sick fuck pedophile fake-ass “religion” still inside…

  3. That’s all that ‘transgenders’ do. They’re lives are fucked up so they want everyone else to feel the same. They were told that all of their problems could be solved by plastic surgery and hormones.

  4. A few full page color ads as well as 30 sec tv spots featuring Tara Muir as well as graphic descriptions of genital mutilations on unwilling children and Ms. Muir opposition to the banning of the practice should take care of that.

  5. “Will you still have a schlong to swing
    When the razor boy comes
    And take your fancy things away.
    Will you still be slinging it
    On that cold and bloody day?”

    … apologies to Walter Becker and Donald Fagen

  6. Joe, Tranny surgery IS genital mutilation.
    I agree with you.
    How can anyone find anything wrong with a bill that seeks to stop this fifth century barbarity?
    Unless it was that the punishment for committing this atrocity on a young girl did not include being fed into an industrial shredder


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