Activists plot ‘world’s largest fart-in’ during Hillary’s DNC speech – IOTW Report

Activists plot ‘world’s largest fart-in’ during Hillary’s DNC speech

AmericanMirror: Far-left activists aren’t going away quietly — or with a pleasant aroma.

Cheri Honkala, head of Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, is organizing the world’s largest ‘fart-in’ to be held on July 28 at Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center during Hillary Clinton’s anticipated Democratic nomination acceptance speech.

“We will be holding a massive bean supper for Bernie Sanders delegates on American Street in my Kensington neighborhood on the afternoon of July 28,” Honkala says, TruthDig reports.

“We are setting up a Clintonville there, modeled on the Hoovervilles of the 1930s where the poor and unemployed built shanty towns. The Sanders delegates, their bellies full of beans, will be able to return to the Wells Fargo Center and greet the rhetorical flatulence of Hillary Clinton with the real thing.”  MORE

16 Comments on Activists plot ‘world’s largest fart-in’ during Hillary’s DNC speech

  1. Hippie perfume.

    An oil worn as perfume by dirty hippies in lieu of showering or bathing in any way. Used to mask the scent of marijuana and week old body odor, but usually it merely mixes with the scent to form a new, BO/Patchouli combo that can repulse even those who are olfactorally challenged, except for hippies, who love it.

  2. I love it though. This will be funny if they do it.

    My wife occasionally makes a multi-bean casserole thing in a crock pot. If I have too much of it I get some serious gas, like painful until it makes it’s way through and then the farts are loud and long and juicy.

  3. Strange and interesting not-for-profit organization there. A fancy website with a gmail contact e-mail.

    They want their American Dream birthrights, plus all that nice stuff in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “because our country is the richest and most powerful in the world.” They want other peoples stuff? Say it ain’t so.

    “We do not seek pity. We do seek power to end conditions that threaten all of us with economic human rights violations denying us our birthrights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Ah, fascism is the path to the American Dream.

    It’s a good bet all those people of conscience with the fancy job titles in all these social justice organizations are using their “Economic Human Rights” to get paid more than minimum wage. Wonder who’s paying for it all? Probably not the Crimeton Foundation.

    Anyway, what Handy N. Handsome said.

  4. Seriously, a BHO speech reminds me of a lot of farting.
    Actually, I don’t know for sure as I’ve never heard but a few words – just til I can hit the mute button or change channels on the remote.

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