Actor Lies About Being in Twin Towers on 9/11 – IOTW Report

Actor Lies About Being in Twin Towers on 9/11

His career is done… as an actor. Now he can be an NBC anchor.


^ despicable he ^ is trying to apologize on twitter

Screw this a-hole. He was not a child when he lied about being in the towers. And his lie is despicable in a very specific respect. He implies he was smarter than all the people in the south tower who did not vacate when he did.

ABC- Comedian and “The League” star Steve Rannazzisi has admitted that he lied about escaping the Twin Towers 14 years ago during the attacks of 9/11.

In past interviews, the actor said he was working as an account manager at Merrill Lynch in the South Tower when the first tower was hit. According to an interview in 2009 with Marc Maron, he explained back then that he got to the streets before the second plane hit and before both towers collapsed.

“I worked on the 54th floor of the second tower,” he told Maron, adding Port Authority told his co-workers “everything’s being taken care of” and to remain where they were on that day. He said he didn’t listen and left the building. In his descriptive story, Rannazzisi even describes where he was standing when the second plane hit.

After the New York Times reported some inconsistencies in his story and that he was actually working in midtown, Manhattan, far away from the 9/11 site near Battery Park, his publicist released a statement. The Times also reported that he never worked for Merrill Lynch.

“As a young man, I made a mistake that I deeply regret and for which apologies may still not be enough,” the statement, also sent to ABC News read. “After I moved with my wife to Los Angeles from New York City in 2001 shortly after 9/11, I told people that I was in one of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11. It wasn’t true.”

“I was in Manhattan but working in a building in midtown and I was not at the Trade Center on that day. I don’t know why I said this. This was inexcusable. I am truly, truly sorry,” he added.

In other interviews, Rannazzisi had used his account from the attacks as a reason to go full-fledged into comedy and entertainment.

ht/ jason chisel

15 Comments on Actor Lies About Being in Twin Towers on 9/11

  1. When I was in one of my first uni classes—speech and communications–one of the guidelines the professor (who by the way is the awesome UAA debate team coach) said he’d had to actually institute a rule that our persuasive speeches (like all others) had to be TRUE. A former student had done a speech about drunk driving and as part of it spoke about a sibling and a parent (or some family members) who had been run over and killed by a DD.

    Later he was telling her how she did on her speech and expressed his condolences for her loss. She said, “Oh that didn’t really happen, I just made that up to make the speech more persuasive.” He was really shocked and today it makes me wonder how often that goes on in campuses across the country. If a lot, it goes a long way in explaining how so many leftists can so easily engage in destroying people with lies. If no one ever tells them they can’t do it, how are they to know? (/sarc)

    To be honest I probably wouldn’t be surprised if a grievance was filed against a professor who told a student they couldn’t just make sh** up.

  2. Yes, I agree, calling it a “mistake” completely insults all the people who really escaped the Towers that day, and those who died.

    What the hell did he hope to gain by placing himself amongst them? He needs to get his Munchhausen syndrome ass to a head shrink so he can issue a REAL apology.

  3. As I recall, Hillary made a remark implying that Chelsea was in danger when the Trade Center attack happened. She was, in fact, about two miles away.

    By comparison, Chuck Schumer’s two daughters were both in class at Stuyvesant High School at the time. Stuyvesant is right down the street from the site. For once, Old Blabbermouth kept it zipped.

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