Actors Thinking They Are Doing Feminism PSA Cold Read Eye Opening Statistics For the First Time – IOTW Report

Actors Thinking They Are Doing Feminism PSA Cold Read Eye Opening Statistics For the First Time

I like this production team. They do a lot of these types of enlightening videos.

13 Comments on Actors Thinking They Are Doing Feminism PSA Cold Read Eye Opening Statistics For the First Time

  1. The redhead is a clueless little fool, eh?
    She wouldn’t believe it if she were waterboarded.
    Facts and minds are a terrible thing to waste.
    She is most disappointed with the lack of validation in her false beliefs, not the fact that her beliefs are false.

  2. These videos are terrific. Some people, like the redhead in this video, will resist facts no matter what. But for many others, glimpsing kernels of truth (as happens in these videos) will be the AHA moments that open their minds and spark their curiosity and cause them to delve deeper into current issues and learn what’s really going on. If you’re someone who trusts mainstream media, you don’t know what you don’t know. It has to be pointed out somehow.

    When I was a teenager, and Dan Rather took over the CBS anchor chair when Cronkite retired, I remember thinking that news anchors were unbiased and above reproach. I thought those things because I had been taught the importance of the 4th estate. High-profile news anchors in prestigious positions were entrusted to impart the news to us, and it didn’t cross my mind to doubt them. And so whenever Dan Rather etc cast aspersions on Republicans and Republican policies, I believed that he was giving an honest assessment and I believed it.

    Fortunately it didn’t last long for me and in my late teens I caught a glimpse of truth in direct opposition to the main stream media and I had my AHA moment. I can’t remember now what the specific issue was but my first reaction was: what else is the media/news misinforming us about. A curious person starts looking and begins finding facts quickly and it doesn’t take long to begin to see that there is a mountain of facts, information, and knowledge that the media/news ignores and omits from discussion, hides from us.

    It’s a stunning moment when you see a truth for the first time, and it’s really encouraging to see those moments captured in these videos.


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