Actress Lori Loughlin pleads guilty to conspiracy charges – IOTW Report

Actress Lori Loughlin pleads guilty to conspiracy charges

Mercury News

In a stunning reversal, actress Lori Loughlin and her fashion designer husband agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy charges in connection with securing the fraudulent admission of their two daughters to the University of Southern California as purported rowing team recruits, federal prosecutors said Thursday.

Loughlin, 55, and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, 56, both of Los Angeles, were the highest-profile parents fighting charges in the bombshell case first announced in March 2019. Prosecutors said the couple paid a corrupt admissions consultant to bribe college coaches and submit phony applications to admit their girls at the prestigious private university.

Loughlin would serve just two months in prison, pay a $150,000 fine and serve two years of supervised release with 100 hours of community service under the terms of her plea agreement. Giannulli would serve five months in prison, pay a $250,000 fine and serve two years of supervised release with 250 hours of community service. More

22 Comments on Actress Lori Loughlin pleads guilty to conspiracy charges

  1. OK…let me get this straight. They spent 500K to get their girls on a rowing team (with a scholarship) when the girls didn’t know how to row?….couldn’t they have spent 50K to get them some pretty good assed rowing lessons when they were little? Why was USC so important?….

    500K could have paid tuition for 4 years to some really good schools….AH, I get it….the girls are stupid, but not as stupid as the parents….

  2. @Stop2think MAY 21, 2020 AT 6:19 PM
    “She would have been better off donating money for a new library. Her kid would have been admitted.”

    Or a hefty donation to your favorite democrat senator.

  3. WAIT! WHAT! What about all of the inbred politician’s dumb ass fukc’n children who have been to harvard and yale and George Washington and brown, etc. etc. ? Is this simply another case of different justice?

  4. That’s not punishment. It’s a Hollyweird resume enhancement. More than likely she’ll begin her fake apology tour on “The View of Harpies” next year with fake tears of remorse.

  5. What about the school? Who took the bribes in the first place?

    I find the fact that this has happened and continues to happen a lot more offensive then Lori and her husband cheating to get their daughters in.

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