Actress Mary McCormack Videos Her Husband’s Tesla Spontaneously Combusting – IOTW Report

Actress Mary McCormack Videos Her Husband’s Tesla Spontaneously Combusting

She’s best known as playing Howard Stern’s wife in Private Parts.

33 Comments on Actress Mary McCormack Videos Her Husband’s Tesla Spontaneously Combusting

  1. You can’t get around the need for any vehicle expected to travel a few hundred miles to store the energy to do so. Gasoline, diesel, batteries, supercapacitors, they all store a lot of energy onboard the vehicle…by necessity.

    Engineers have had over a hundred years to make hydrocarbon fuel tanks and systems safer, and it takes quite an effort to get them to fail. Electrics such as the Tesla still have some work needed to prevent runaway discharge when the battery is damaged, and even the power management systems fail in both charge and discharge modes.

    Electric cars and trucks have their uses for specific applications, but it’ll be a while before I sit my own ass down inside one.

  2. When those lithium batteries get
    wet or hot or short out. watch out!
    They will dump ALL of their energy
    instantaneously… Dude fell asleep with a
    charging cell phone to his head.Battery
    shorted and his face was burned off…

  3. electric vehicles work … as long as they are on a specific course designed to deliver specific electricity to run the vehicle to a specifically built destination (think DC Metro)

    face it … the day an autonomous electrically-propelled vehicle can deliver an inhabitant to a randomly specific destination for random individual needs, within a reasonable economically-feasible acceptability, is a ways off.

    .. but, hey … burn on, if it makes you feel good about yourself

  4. “Actress best known as playing Howard Stern’s wife in Private Parts.” You could have stopped right there and it would have been a great post. I was already laughing!

  5. Lithium-ion batteries using the oxide chemistry have their own oxygen built right into the cells. They do not need air to combust. Like RADIONATIONMAN said, once they start you cannot extinguish them.

  6. “Lithium-ion batteries using the oxide chemistry have their own oxygen built right into the cells.”

    Exactly, the fuel cell community dropped that like a hot rock 8 years ago.

  7. wanna know something funny? … Firefighters use foam to suppress gasoline fires in vehicles … guess what? … it doesn’t work w/ ethanol …. or electric batteries in electric, or hybrid cars!

    Weeeeeeeeeeee! ………………. Car-b-que!

  8. @Uncle Al –
    “Engineers have had over a hundred years to make hydrocarbon fuel tanks and systems safer, and it takes quite an effort to get them to fail.”
    I’m still perturbed by the exploding Flt. 800. Almost every automobile on the freeway nowadays has an electric fuel pump in the tank, drowning in gasoline. When is the last time we heard of a car getting ‘sploded because of bad insulation?

  9. My Empathetic Meter is registering 0 for the plight of Mary’s husband’s $100k tax payer subsidized vehicle. That she’s an avowed Trump hater may have swayed my opinion.

  10. Insurance companies are the great equalizer with dangerous products. At some point the math of the ultimate costs related to owning one, read life, health and property may make it un-affordable for even the Hollywood communists.

    Any road subject to a huge blow torch like that is damaged goods. Add to the bill anything that’s within so many feet of a burning one.

    Al: It’s pretty darn hard to improve on the internal combustion engine for reliability, efficiency and scalability. They keep trying, but I haven’t seen it yet.

    My wandering thought on this subject: If water-based power systems are possible and so easy to make in a home shop, splitting the molecules, etc., why doesn’t a home inventor just make one and prove it by using it every day? At least he could detach from the petrol industry cheaply for himself.

  11. If Musk’s boring choo choo utilizes the same superterrific technology, imagine a mega-fireball hurtling down the underground tube and overtaking the 125 MPH cars !

    Whoo hoo! XL Napalm Mentos cannon!!!

  12. Electric cars have been around 100 years and they still suck. if I can’t take a road trip what good is it .
    Elon Muck is the biggest scam artist in American business. Tesla has NEVER show a profit and the stock market just loves this guy why?


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