Actual McCain Skullduggery – IOTW Report

Actual McCain Skullduggery

(Thank you CharleynLola for the post title.)

I’ve been following our pal, Milton Wolf, on Twitter as he seems to be the lone voice alerting everyone that McCain’s “routine surgery,” which was necessitated after a “routine checkup,” is actually more serious than everyone is letting on.

Dr. Milton Wolf 

Whoa. “Minimally invasive craniotomy”… Are you kidding?!

A craniotomy is opening the skull to access the brain. And a 5cm hematoma is huge. 

Say a prayer for @SenJohnMcCain. This is serious, especially in an 80-year-old, no matter how much his office tries to minimize it.

The office of @SenJohMcCain should tell the public exact location and cause of the hematoma.

Spontaneous? Blood thinners? Stroke? Tumor?

For anyone wondering, 5cm is 2 inches. That is, indeed, huge.


The comments on Gateway are… not sympathetic.

Hate to dig a guy when he’s down, but there is another possible cause for his condition – KARMA.

Maybe there is a God in heaven after all.


I certainly don’t wish for his surgery to be “life ending”, but I do hope his political career is soon ended.

I pray for him to be replaced with a Patriot American.

Is Lindsay getting fitted for his ‘widow’s weeds’?

I’m sick of this man’s skullduggery !

40 Comments on Actual McCain Skullduggery

  1. The dick turned on his men in Vietnam and should never flown except for his dad being an Admiral. Ditched his wife and kids for money and voted more with the Deamonrats than his party. May he rot in hell.

  2. Such a clot would only be diagnosed by symptoms during an office exam. A routine physical would not find such a thing.
    He may or not have such a thing.
    I do think he will not return, as this affords him a nice exit from all the troubles that would be coming his way as far as breaking laws and such. I won’t miss him, but he should be prosecuted wherever he is.
    Isn’t Wolf husseins’s cousin or something?

  3. Did he get his care at a VA hospital? Probably not, because he didn’t die waiting in line for care. However, when he started inquiries about the ‘blood clot’ symptoms, it was only .005 cm.

  4. WTF, if someone is not capable of fulfilling their duties….they need to be replaced.
    It’s called ‘Capitalism’, it is quite opposite of ‘governmentism’. It has a hell of a lot to do with checks and balances.
    Life goes on….unfortunately….so do RINOs and liberals.

  5. But he’s a hero!

    I have no doubts of his former heroism, but power corrupts. I, equally, have no doubts that his former self would not recognize the current man.

    Sen. McCain, it was time to retire 20 years ago, when corruption’s tendrils first you felt.

  6. Let’s hope his “comfortable recovery at home” turns into a massive stroke.
    With total paralysis.
    Johns Hopkins can keep him alive and comatose for another 5,10 years. Easy.
    And I hope in constant nonstop agonizing pain every moment of it.
    He should pray for death. In vain.

  7. Don’t forget about his obstruction of the investigation of our MIA’s. He knows the North Vietnamese were holding several hundred or more American service members. For his own reasons he blocked any and all efforts to get these people home.

  8. There is no doubt in my mind about what happened. He fell and hit his head, had a brain bleed and a clot was formed. I know because I personally know another 80 some year old who had the exact same thing in the same place. And here’s a new flash. You don’t come back from it. Just the rehab alone will take over a year and he’ll never fully regain his faculties.
    His senate career is finished.

  9. McCain was the “Goat” in his class at Canoe U (Annapolis). It means he graduated Dead Fucking Last in his class. The only reason he got into Canoe U in the first place was because his Grandfather and Father were admirals.

    McCain should retire gracefully. But I have a feeling his prideful bitter stubborness will keep him clinging onto his Senate seat. He’ll go out like Cassius Clay; a broken man, punch-drunk and palsied.

  10. Brain cancer.
    Happened to my mom. She had complications of diabetes and used to joke about dying from the feet up.
    Then, she fell a couple of times I the same day and set off a fire in her microwave oven.
    At the ER, they did a scan and found a tumor.
    She was around a month shy of 94 and was living on her own. They put her into a nursing home under hospice and she lasted only long enough to say her goodbyes to family.
    80 years old and a brain tumor is not compatible with being a US Senator.

  11. We now know he has serious brain cancer. Many of the above posts are beyond the pale. I have disagreed many, many times. His cancer may have caused some of the remarks he has made. He does need to relinquish his seat. Please, God, elect a Republican.

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