Adam Kinzinger Endorses Litany of Democrats for State, Federal Offices – IOTW Report

Adam Kinzinger Endorses Litany of Democrats for State, Federal Offices

Epoch Times: Outgoing Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) has unveiled a list of endorsements for state and federal level candidates for public office that includes several Democrats.

Kinzinger has been notorious among Republicans for his vote to impeach President Donald Trump following the Jan. 6 “Stop the Steal” rally and for his subsequent activities on the Jan. 6 panel. On the panel, Kinzinger—who was appointed as a minority party member by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) against all prior House precedent—serves with Ranking Member Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) as one of only two GOP members.

Kinzinger has been vocal on the committee in blaming Trump for the events of Jan. 6. Like other members of the Jan. 6 panel, Kinzinger has painted Trump and his claims of widespread fraud in the 2020 election as an existential threat to American democracy.

The long-time Trump critic’s list of endorsements includes several Democrats and a few Republicans currently on the defensive against Trump-backed Republican challengers.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski

First on Kinzinger’s list of endorsements is Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska).

Murkowski, alongside Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), is generally considered one of the most liberal members of the GOP’s caucus in the upper chamber.

Like Kinzinger in the House, Murkowski was one of seven senators to vote for Trump’s conviction and removal from office in 2021.

Only one of those seven, Murkowski, is up for reelection this year, and she’s facing a steep primary challenge by Trump-endorsed Kelly Tshibaka. Murkowski was able to take some solace from the results of the ranked choice primary this year, where she came in first place with 45.05 percent of the vote to Tshibaka’s 38.55 percent.

Still, the real test for Murkowski is ahead, and the results will be the first indication of whether voters will be as tough on senators who voted to impeach Trump as they’ve been on House members.

Of the 10 Republicans who voted for Trump’s impeachment in the House, only Reps. Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.) and David Valadao (R-Calif.) are still left standing. The other eight have either been defeated in a primary by GOP challengers or have announced that they will not seek reelection.

Kinzinger and Cheney were censored and cut off from national GOP funds and resources in February 2021 for their roles on the committee. Early into the 117th Congress, Kinzinger announced that he would not seek reelection. Likewise, Cheney was handily defeated for Wyoming’s lone House seat because of her position on the controversial committee.

“Murkowski courageously put her country before party by voting to convict Donald Trump at his impeachment trial, the only Republican to do so who is up for re-election [sic] this cycle,” Kinzinger wrote. “Throughout her tenure in the Senate, she has been a model for bi-partisan [sic] bridge building. Her opponent has been endorsed by Trump, and continues to help perpetuate the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen.”

Trump Critic Evan McMullin

Kinzinger also threw his support behind Utah Independent Evan McMullin, who is vying to replace Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) this year.

McMullin’s claim to fame largely comes from his 2016 campaign for president. Though he received no electoral votes, the Trump critic won 732,273 votes, or 0.53 percent of the popular vote, in 2016. Most of that support was in the Mormon stronghold of Utah, where some Republicans found Trump too socially liberal for their tastes.

Though he is now running against Lee, Lee was one of three Republican senators—the other two being former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)—to vote for McMullin in the 2016 presidential election.

In his endorsement, Kinzinger tied his support for McMullin to Lee’s position on the 2020 election.

“McMullin is an independent conservative voice who has built bi-partisan [sic] coalitions to ensure our country and its people come before party and politics,” Kinzinger said. “His opponent, U.S. Senator Mike Lee, has been endorsed by Trump, and continues to fuel conspiracy theories that the 2020 election was stolen.” more

8 Comments on Adam Kinzinger Endorses Litany of Democrats for State, Federal Offices

  1. ^^^^ Mike Lee’s a shit head too. I don’t know about the rest of you but my inbox is jam packed with people like Mike Lees campaign demanding money. And I swear, the more I hit Unsubscribe, the more they show up.

  2. Adam Kissassger’s last gasp at a relevancy he never had. Years ago my liberal brother once remarked that if Kissassger was elevated to the top of the GOP things would be awesome for Republicans.

    I laughed so hard I almost stroked out, I told him the fact that he actually believed this was proof that this worm would never be more than a worm.

    Guess which one of us turned out to be correct?

  3. El Rosbo pissed the Aussie libs when he said, what was clear if you thought about what GWB did, not what he said, “BUSH REPUBLICANS ARE DEMOCRATS!”!

    very brief history of Rove/Bush working to defeat Ronny men:

    2010 Alaska and Cal.

    2016 Backed Clinton is lose.

    2020 backed Joe and won.

    For those in the East the Cal AG that Bush defeated S. Cooley 12 years ago IS NOW YOUR VP!
    Adam has been a “Bush Republican” for decades. His current deeds scream BUSH REPUBLICAN 5×5 – loud and clear!

    Rush was absolutely right!


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