Adam Schiff Does Not Take Johnson Pardon Well – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff Does Not Take Johnson Pardon Well

There are other ways a democrat could spin the Alice Marie Johnson pardon to undercut the effect it must be having on plantation voters. Congressman Adam Schiff proved unable of figuring out any of them, Here

17 Comments on Adam Schiff Does Not Take Johnson Pardon Well

  1. You have every reason to be afraid, Latka. Trump continues to eat into your forsaken constituency. If the president peels off just 15% of the black vote you are doomed to powerless obscurity.

  2. Was Johnson a Democrat contributor? No. Was Johnson a gang member? No. Was Johnson connected with a terrorist organization? No. Did Johnson engage in questionable and probably illegal financial transactions with a high ranking Democrat? No. Was there a possibility that Johnson would swerve off of the Democrat plantation? Yes.

    These criteria show that Schiff is correct – under liberal Democrat criteria for Presidential pardons Johnson should still be rotting in jail.

  3. Crazy eyes Schiff is a disturbed crap-eating liberal who can’t stand Trump’s successes.

    From the reports last week, I think Kim Kardashian was the influence on Trump’s decision.

  4. It’s so cute when leftist Democrat scum get all interested in stiff sentencing only when a pardon hurts their prospects with their base.

    It’s like when they call for gun control, but only with the make believe “assault weapons” and AR-15s versus the more commonly used handgun because they know a rifle can be used to oppose a dictatorship.

    Their hypocrisy and malevolent goals of total power are transparent. Go to Hell, Democrats!

  5. Schiff is obviously a racist. Most white democrats are racists, and they can’t stand it when black people think for themselves. They only want black people to shut up and do as they say.

  6. Well, in reviewing the last 3 Trump pardons, it looks like your odds of getting one are improved if you’re a Johnson. So you’d think a d1ckhead like Adam Schiff would be happy
    to hear that, in case he ever needs one someday.


  7. All Schiff had to do was challenge the president to pardon many more of the wrongfully imprisoned, then he’d of had plenty of room to curse this nation for how unfairly it treats its minorities and how racist our sentencing guide lines are against the down trotted. For the next news cycle, the congressman would make a big stink about trying to introduce reform legislation in the house but the awful republicans won’t allow congress to vote on it. Followed by round after round of condemnations of all republicans on all major news networks. Schiff and his media enablers would then all scoff at the measly pardon here or there for obvious political reasons while so many good and decent people continue to languish in our terrible prison system.

    Schiff, and by extension the whole democrat apparatus, must be nearing complete a breakdown to let such an obvious scoring opportunity get away from them. They’ve made these types of plays so often in the past that I’m stunned to watch them let this one get away from them. Stunned but delighted and wanting Trump to keep running up the score on them.

  8. Last time I looked, pencil-neck Schiff is a CALIFORNIA congressman. Did he say anything to his beloved governor moon beam about the thousands of convicted felons HE released? Hmmm?


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