Adam Schiff’s and Dianne Feinstein’s names appear in plots against Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff’s and Dianne Feinstein’s names appear in plots against Donald Trump

[…] Durham has the whole plot to spread Russia collusion laid out in the emails. Guess who’s named in the emails? Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). Why are they being referenced in July 2016 and what further communications were there, if any? MORE @ Redstate.
h/t Brad.

15 Comments on Adam Schiff’s and Dianne Feinstein’s names appear in plots against Donald Trump

  1. This possibly explains why Dianne Feinstein has been experiencing “health” issues lately. They are prepping her exit from politics before the scandal.

  2. Brad
    APRIL 26, 2022 AT 4:12 PM

    ..hopefully, enough to take the intial impact without breaking, only to tear slowly but inevitably to maximize the twitching agony as we watch different parts of his body spasm from the farrago of conflicting, shorted nerve impulses, perhaps tearing itself apart as the stench of his bowels emptying spreads, but may the nerves returing the pain impulses from all the foregoing be the last to fail as his body is ultimately wrenched from his head, which then tumbles onto the ruin of his still-twiching backside with the eyes wide in horror of fading awareness when it lands in the pool of shit expelled from his own dying anus…

  3. Jaysus, boyos. Try and give these crooked bastards the benefit of a fair trial before you hang them. This is where they spend millions of dollars and hock their homes trying to avoid going to a Federal Wine and Cheese Pairing Facility. One of them has already decided she would rather squeal like a river-running, canoe-paddling, city-living, former Clinton supporter, than spend any time locked up with a toothless hillbilly for five or eight years. Hit them in their wallets!

  4. Well, I’m sure Dementia Diane doesn’t remember any of it and as for Schiff, his friends in the FBI will cover his rear unless the Repubs when they gain the House act the way they always do, go along to get along.

  5. They were ALL in on the con. Including the GOP.
    Can you imagine the great America we COULD have had if not for all the fake poltical interference, from both sides, fake impeachment, and fake election?

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