Adam Schiff’s Dirty Impeachment Tactics Coming to Light – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff’s Dirty Impeachment Tactics Coming to Light

American Thinker:

Rep. Adam Schiff spent months launching secret impeachment hearings, never thinking his conduct would be called into question.

He is now caught in the crosshairs of a formidable government agent, Mr. Brendan Carr, Federal Communication Commissioner. The impeachment may be over, but Mr. Carr is formally investigating Rep. Schiff for violating privacy laws — more like obliterating ethical boundaries — by setting up his own surveillance state to target the president’s allies. read more

10 Comments on Adam Schiff’s Dirty Impeachment Tactics Coming to Light

  1. As long as he keeps getting reelected, will this make any difference?

    Somehow, I doubt his voters will be influenced to vote him out no matter what is found out about him, they may even support him more for it.

  2. The democrat party is the one and only place where society’s most repugnant, vile and despicable scum can rise to superstar status.
    Schifty is just one example of an army fielded by the party and as the President said so accurately “They are the scum of the earth.”

  3. Right. He will be accused of “wrong-doing” and “rule-breaking” when he actually violated the law. Then it will be said he was “less than forthcoming” or that he “misspoke” when he lies about it. We know how this works.

  4. Unfortunately, I’m 2 decades past forty-eight.

    “The man who is a pessimist before 48 knows too much;
    if he is an optimist after it he knows too little.”
    ― Mark Twain


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