Add 1 word and wreck a movie – IOTW Report

Add 1 word and wreck a movie

Tax Return of The Jedi

Orange Pulp Fiction

Dhimmi Lawrence of Arabia

Full Metal Plaid Jacket

It Happened Twice One Night

531 Comments on Add 1 word and wreck a movie

  1. Why the Hell are we relying on local police and forces outside of our military, to protect our military here at home?
    This latest shooting at Ft. Hood is much like the first…our troops are incapacitated by not being allowed to carry weapons to defend themselves.
    Far fewer would have been killed at Ft. Hood in 2009 and again today, if only each qualified soldier would have had a weapon to defend themselves and their fellow soldiers.
    Just like in 2009 and again today, well, it was like shooting fish in a barrel.
    I wonder if our president will declare this to be simply another example of “work place violence” like he did the first mass murder at Ft.Hood, committed by Nidal Hassan

  2. Finding Nemo Dead
    Ferris Bueller’s Day Jacking Off
    From Here To Socialist Eternity
    Gone With The Passing Wind
    It Happened One Election Night
    License to Kill Obama
    Rear End Window
    The Best Years of Our Homosexual Lives
    The Dental Bridge on the River Kwai
    The Candy Caine Mutiny
    The Fabulous Green Berets
    Them! Democrats
    Yellow Submarine Sandwich

  3. This sort of goofy shit was my bailiwick So, for old time’s sake ….

    The Seven Samurai Delicatessens
    Apocalypse Now, Voyager
    Quo Vadis, Spartacus
    Pork Chop Hill Billies
    Whatever Happened to Baby Jane’s Pacifier
    Bringing up Baby Food
    The Road Warrior Diaries
    Who Will Stop The Rain Man
    They Shoot Up Horses, Don’t They?
    I Never Sang For My Father’s Bris
    Dirty Harry Reid
    The Way We Were Deceived
    Stalag 16 Candles
    Annie Halls of Montezuma
    Run Silent, Run Deep throat
    Ferris Buehler’s Longest Day Off
    Moby, The Bank Dick

  4. Oops, just noticed that got all dylexsic on one of them
    – Saturday Night Fever Blister –
    not that anybody cares since this thread is so long and so old. 🙂

  5. Based on the theory that every movie ever made can be wrecked by adding the word “Yentl” to it

    Three Men and a Baby Yentl
    Apocalypse now, Yentl
    All About My Mother, Yentl
    The Godfather, Part Yentl
    2001: A Space Yentl
    La Dolce Yentl
    Touch of Yentl

    Not a big Streisand fan, I must admit

  6. Soooo many good ones. Don’t know if he’d or not?!

    Free Billy’s Willy Monica
    Barefoot in the Park w/Barry & Reggie
    Granny R. & James Brown in the Giant Peach
    Executive Orders on Borders
    On BO’s Good Ship Lollypop
    The Obama’s Endless Summer/Winter Vacations
    Deliverance, Please!
    The Seven Itch(y) BOo

  7. Hey Chalupa

    If you count in all the multiple listings, (I have about 24 by myself) we’ve definitely gone over the 500 titles mark … which was your goal, right?

    Which means you can turn off the word fragging part of your brain any time now 😀

    Damn, you’re relentless

  8. The “soitenly” gambit where any movie title that starts with “I” or “I’ll” or “You” or is a declarative sentence can be stoogified by adding the word, “soitenly”

    Soitenly, I Know What You Did Last Summer
    Soitenly, The Hills Have Eyes
    Soitenly, I Am Curious (Yellow)
    Soitenly, I Dreamed of Africa
    Soitenly, I Remember mama
    Soitenly, I Spit on Your Grave
    Soitenly, You Only Live Twice
    Soitenly, They Were expendable

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