Add Billy Joel to the Gaggle of Anti-Trump Morons Who Get Everything Wrong – IOTW Report

Add Billy Joel to the Gaggle of Anti-Trump Morons Who Get Everything Wrong

This one is easy to stomach because I’ve always despised Billy Joel’s music. He is the most derivative big act that ever came down the pike. He writes songs by thinking of a successful artist and simply doing his version of their stuff.

Joel just called Trump a Nazi-lover and sympathizer. Why?

Because of the remarks he made following Charlottesville.

That’s where the president said there are good people on both sides of the fighting factions. But leftist twatwaffles don’t seem to realize that Trump was talking about the right and the left, not “Nazis” and the left. Not everyone at Charlottesville was Antifa and not everyone was a Neo-Nazi.

This intellectual laziness perfectly matches the intellectual laziness of Joel’s songwriting.





31 Comments on Add Billy Joel to the Gaggle of Anti-Trump Morons Who Get Everything Wrong

  1. I dint like his music but i bit the bullet if a chic did. He couldnt play a rock tune if you lit his ass on fire. But at least he isnt a queer or a pedophile.

    that we know of

  2. I listen to talk radio at my shop. First up Rush and then Tom Sullivan. Sullivan is a bit of a Never Trumper but he does support his economic policies. Which considering his investment back ground is surprising. He’s coined his own term “Living in an economic bubble”. Meaning these assholes make the same amount of money no matter what and can afford to criticize Trump. The rest of us are required to work for a living.

  3. IWhat little radio I listen to is mostly Rush, Hannity….or the farm station for markets and weather.

    Oh, and Christie Brinkly is well preserved. I guess she got tired of his crap.

  4. I have a pretty good sized music library, but I can honestly say I don’t have any Billy Joel in it.
    Just checked the computer (I know there isn’t any in the records and tapes) and oops… there is one:
    New York State of Mind with Tony Bennett and Billy Joel.

  5. Along with BJ, whose appeal I’ve never understood, add Elton John,Neil Diamond and Meatloaf (whose generic music sounds as if it came from a random Rock music generating algorithm)

  6. BFH I disagree.

    First major concert I saw was BJ at the Garden in ’83. Yeah major pop but there is some good stuff in there.

    Goodnight Saigon-

    A freakin’ tear ran down my face. BUT can a Vietnam Vet tell me what the hell I saw @4:11??

    Some years back he crashed into a wall…

    IF given the opportunity to see him at the Garden again I would say NO.

    @ Rat Fink – expand your library.

    @ Bongo- that is exactly what Piano Man is about.
    Only 96 MILLION hits.

    IF I were to not listen to modern pop rock musicians based on their lib politics, I would have to listen to Beethoven and Joplin alone, oh and Buddy Holly and Mississippi John Hurt…

  7. No Col, I’m saying he’s old as dirt. The fudge was the last time anybody even heard of this sawed off octogenarian?

    Unless….. wait a second….. YOU’RE OLD AS DIRT!!!

  8. @ Aaron Burr – old as dirt? He is 69!!! You should reconsider you analogies btw…

    Speaking of ‘dirt nap’, I have not heard from Vivaldi in quite some time…yet he remains relative.

    Good music will last. GREAT music lasts a couple hundred years.

    No, not old as dirt YET, but getting there!

  9. 69 in like…. dog years? Cuz’ that Hobbit look old.

    Plus, 69 is old. No matter which way you look at it. We’re born, we get old, we die…. in no particular order.

    The point is, you’re too poor to get an AVI so as Col. Klink would say….. THIS CONVERSATION IS OVER!

  10. Who didn’t already know that away from music, Billy Joel is a moron. That is why his agent fleeced him. And that was his brother-in-law.
    His drummer, Liberty DeVito was an ace.

  11. All these has-been entertainers seem to be looking for another 15 minutes of fame by bashing Trump. Too bad they’re also bashing the people most likely to spend money to see them.

  12. I was a big fan back in the day. Saw him in concert in the early 80s, when he still had hair. His music kinda took a downward turn in the C. Brinkley days, then he started dating girls not much older than his daughter. He recently married a woman in her 30s. Nope. I’m done.

  13. My wife thinks he is a big prick as a human being….the bad way of being a big prick, that is.

    I’m not a big fan, but Piano Man was pretty good, and at least was creative and unusual.

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