Addictive and Deliciously Deadly – IOTW Report

Addictive and Deliciously Deadly

Experts call them Ultra-processed foods and not only are they addictive, those who consume a great deal of these items in their diet have a 10 percent increase in cancer risk. More

23 Comments on Addictive and Deliciously Deadly

  1. If we only had a choice in regards to what we stuffed in our big fat faces. But, alas, we’re all helpless victims. Please big mammy gubmint, steal this donut from my hand… and the other donut from my other hand!!!… I can’t help myself!!!… I’m too weak!… too weak!!!… (sob!!!)… (lays head on table and sobs while licking leaked raspberry jelly from table top left from last donut).

  2. Not into donuts 🍩
    I’d much rather have ice cream 🍦 or cake 🍰
    Seriously, when I work out on exercise machines and track my daily exercise via Fitbit, I know that it takes far too much exercise to burn off the calories in a couple of donuts.
    Across the street from us is a night shift city cop. He is a real porker. He happens to be black. I don’t see how he could possibly pass any physical for active police duty.
    I exercise virtually every day at the gym, climbing stairs, running 5K races, swimming, etc. Accoring to Fitbit, I do over 2500 miles a year. At 71, I can run circles around many who are half my age.
    Most people who regularly eat donuts or other high sugar processed junk food also don’t watch calorie counts or pay attention to all the processed sugars,trans fats, etc. in their foods and do not exercise regularly.
    Read the labels on processed foods when shopping at the grocery store. If there are multiple lines of ingredients you can’t even pronounce, do not purchase.

  3. I’m at the point in life where eating what I want is one of the few joys left. Unfortunately I’ve found out I can no longer have chili dogs and pizza. But I’ll be damned if I’m giving up chips and cookies.

  4. I have spent a good bit of my adult life exercising and trying to eat right, but i’ll be damned if I’m going to make it my religion. I’m tired of that and tired of viewing food as my enemy.


    Damn it, I can’t have any until I get rid of the ten pounds that Santa brought me for the holidays. Married to a Sicilian who can cook and bake. At my age all I got left is food and an occasional cigar. Can’t cut the mustard properly anymore, but at least I can lick the jar.

  6. My wife’s 95 yo Granny was ordered not to eat chocolate or drink alcohol as it was bad for her. So of course every week, we took her a half dozen Hershey bars and put a shot of Makers Mark in her coffee. It eventually killed her. She died happy.

  7. Food Industry’s Secret Weapon (WHY Sugar is addictive & in 80% of Food)

    Why sugar is 8x more addictive than cocaine, the man who smoked opium for 40 years with no ill effects, and how heroine was introduced in the USA after the WBTS as the non-addictive substitute for morphine. Whether drugs or food you’re better off using the less processed product.

    When the FDA in 1978 advocated low fat high carbohydrate diet & introduced their new food pyramid, sugar was added in higher amounts to cancel the less pleasant taste caused by reducing fat in the food, leading to high obesity. If you want to eat well, be healthier and enjoy the taste of what you eat more, just invert the FDA food pyramid. .

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