Addition to our pet portrait gallery – IOTW Report

Addition to our pet portrait gallery

This is Supernightshade’s conure.

I’ve never painted a conure before. This was a pleasure. (They all are.)

Visit the Pet Portrait Gallery.

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22 Comments on Addition to our pet portrait gallery

  1. @BFH – you results are crisper, and a bit more colorful, than the photo! Nice meadow in foreground…

    Well done, as usual.

    @SNS – I have never even heard of a conure? Oh, it’s a parrot! Looks like the Smokeys for the backround? Purple mountains majesty and all…reminds me of when we stayed for a week down in Gatlinburg,TN, cannot wait to go back!

    Is ‘conure before’ some type of alliteration?? Asking for a friend…

  2. …sure, BFH, post my Birdie Buddy when I’m AFK for an extended time…yeah, I type fast, but they DO expect me to work OCCASIONALLY…

    …But thank you for painting him, and thank you for posting him.

    This is Chico, a green-cheeked conure. Chico was a pet shop bird, not something I normally pay attention to, but we were there for some food for the REST of the menagerie and THIS guy kept tracking me and, unlike MOST pet shop birds, moved CLOSER to where I was when I went over to the cage. Intrigued, I had them get him out, and there wasn’t a BIT of shyness, he got on my finger, jabbered at me, then crawled up to my shoulder to take up the approved pirate postion with the occasional snuggle against my cheek.

    HE had picked ME. There was no WAY he was staying behind…

    …the pet shop people COULD tell me that he was a breeder bird, had certs that showed he was hatched in 2011, that his folks were ALSO green cheeked conures, that he was hand-raised from the egg which is why he was so friendly, but didn’t say “he” was a “he”. These are not birds of different plumage by sex, so sexing them is kind of either a DNA test or wait to see if it lays eggs or not (and THAT’S a pretty good “tell”), so we went the latter route since we weren’t buying TWO, so it didn’t really matter.

    This, and the fact the breed hails from South America, is why he was named “Chico”. it would be EASY to change to “ChicA” if it proved necessary, and easy for him to SAY.

    Which he did, fairly early on, and a LOT.

    …well, he DIDN’T lay eggs but he DID learn to play peekaboo (and SAYS it, if he’s covered and you peek at him he says “PEEKYBOO!”, and he’ll HIDE to play it too so he knows what it MEANS), and he’ll come right out and climb aboard. I’ve even fallen asleep with him in my easy chair, and he just stays right there and chases everyone off, he can fly real well, but just doesn’t, because he’s my buddy!

    …now the portrait I already kind of spoiled on a different pet thread, and BFH did the reveal where you see my ugly ol’ finger instead of the branch he masterfully substituted for it at my request, but the mountains behind him are GENUINE and he’s free as a literal BIRD just as he appears to be! You see, when this was taken was just after we got him, and we had a BAD experience with a bird sitter BEFORE on another bird, so THIS time, guy was coming WITH to Tennessee in general, and the Smokys in particular. (Good Eye, @Ghost!!) We were staying with family and they were OK with him, but he was also a very young bird here and didn’t know how to fly, and didn’t REALLY show an interest in learning right away. We had him here and there out of his cage and he was just a walkin’ bird, so he made a trip OVER the mountain with us to THIS point, which to people familiar with the area is Newfound Gap, as top as you can get without going to Clingman’s Dome, and I wasn’t gonna make THAT walk with a bird cage! But you can see that our artist captured the mood of the Mountain behind Chico, the way they fade into the distance, and disapper gradually into the lowering sky with only a hint of a seam. Remarkable!

    Fur did an EXCELLENT job AGAIN doing something he was unfamiliar with him doing. Regular readers here may remember he learned to paint jeans for my “Mini” painting (here,, and he rose to the occasion THEN, and did so NOW. I was a little worried about the red around his legs and the hints of blue under his wings, the subtle colors around his face and his ear, and the varied textures of his feathers, but if Fur had any trouble with ANY of this, I can’t see it! He exceeded my expectations and did it actually FASTER than I expected, TOO!

    This is my THIRD Fur original that he’s done for me, and I couldn’t be more pleased with ANY of them. It’s a shame that such a talent has to sign with his monkier “BFH”, but the world is what it is, and WE know all we need to know about our artist, and I’m sure some future exhibit will “out” him to his advantage when it no longer matters…An artist is NEVER appreciated in his time, it is said, but I sure appreciate THIS one.

    Well Done, Sir Hat, Well Done!

    God Bless,

  3. …that was a good eye there, @Ghost, but “Conure” is simply the name of the breed. They’re somewhere between parrot and parakeet, and come in different color varieties, but are generally pretty ill-tempered as a group, so we were pretty blessed THERE…

    …and yes, @Poor Lazlo, he DOES get up to mischief at times…most of it USED to be badgering our albino lovebirds (who have sadly passed), so now he just messes with our Quaker parrot and calls it a day, when he’s not telling our Bishon to shut up, that is…

  4. Uncle Al MAY 7, 2020 AT 1:07 PM
    “A magnificent bird magnificently depicted with an exquisite aesthetic sense. Words almost fail me!”

    …thank you, Uncle, and I’m sure BFH appreicates the compliment as well.

    …but I can’t IMAGINE you without something to SAY, so not really buying THAT part…;)

  5. Big Fur………….. as with all, excellence!!. Beautiful work. Looks exactly like my 30 year old Conure. He sings “YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE, well maybe not the whole song but few lines, he once told the veterinarian to “shut the shit up” loud enough that the entire waiting heard him..

  6. Magnificent work, BFH. The detail is fantastic. The bird portrait is so realistic, it looks like that cute concure could fly off the canvas. Very nice!

  7. Well Done 99
    We know BFH will read the comments here.

    OT related.

    There have been some other IOTW art works that are not archived in the Gallery(s). They can be cloned and added if tasty enough. A list can be provided with direct links and how many kilo or megabytes will be consumed. Are you Boomer 2 fxp enough? EST < 1100100 Kilotonnes BIN. Also: Sup Toots Peeps, Mrs tubes since April showered.


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