ADHD Patients Face Withdrawal With Adderall Shortage – IOTW Report

ADHD Patients Face Withdrawal With Adderall Shortage

NY Times: By the time Michael Kenneally found himself pacing outside a CVS drugstore in Cambridge, Mass., this summer, he was on a first-name basis with the pharmacist. Mr. Kenneally, 48, had been told multiple times that his Adderall prescription couldn’t be filled. For 25 days, he continued to check by phone and in person.

Mr. Kenneally had been on the medication to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or A.D.H.D., for 25 years. “It’s been so long for me that I’ve been on it that it’s difficult to function without it,” he said.That day at the pharmacy was the first time he felt like a drug addict though, he said. “What am I doing here?” he remembered thinking as he looped back and forth in front of the glass doors.Though he was finally able to fill his prescription after switching to mail delivery, Mr. Kenneally wonders every month whether there will be another delay. In October, the Food and Drug Administration confirmed what he and many other patients had already observed: There is a nationwide shortage of Adderall. MORE

12 Comments on ADHD Patients Face Withdrawal With Adderall Shortage

  1. the public school system is the main culprit for putting kids on these adhd drugs
    just give the kids drugs instead of teaching how to behave

    they never had adhd, they had a leather deficiency, and now we have 2+ generations with leather deficiencies

  2. What do you expect from CVS…
    They NEVER have enough to fill a full prescription.
    After years of coming back in 3 days to get the rest of it, I switched to K-Mart pharmacy. That was great until the morons at Sears forced bankruptcy and shut them down. Now I have to go to Walmart pharmacy and twice, my blood pressure medicine was contaminated with rocket fuel used to clean equipment. My next move was to switch doctors, he said I didn’t need blood pressure medicine.
    Our health care system is in full retard.

  3. The upside of this is that probably 75% of the patients are finding out that they really didn’t need it!
    40 years ago it was “shut up, sit yer ass down and pay attention!”
    60 years ago it was “put on the dunce cap and sit in the corner”
    80 years ago you got swatted with the yardstick or the paddle.
    Nobody got hurt or crippled – they just straightened out!

  4. ADHD is nothing but pretext for shitting on other people. 95+% of it is straight up bullshit. Whenever some asshole uses it as an excuse for the damage their asshole kid has caused by straight up negligence I ask them when the last time the rotten son of a bitch didn’t know exactly where their cigarettes are. Never, that’s when, because the rotten bastard gives a shit about that, it’s one of the few things the son of a bitch gives a shit about and they never lose or negligently destroy their pot either.

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