Adidas CEO Reveals the Power of China’s Predatory Mercantilism – IOTW Report

Adidas CEO Reveals the Power of China’s Predatory Mercantilism

Breitbart: Here’s the good news: the trade war with China is not likely to push up the price of sneakers.

The bad news: China has been highly effective at getting global corporations to comply with its predatory mercantilist economic system.

In an interview with CNBC’s Sara Eisen on Tuesday, Adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted said his company was unlikely to be hurt by escalating tariffs between the U.S. and China because its China-based manufacturing produces shoes for the Chinese consumer market. The production for the rest of the world takes place in Indonesia and Vietnam, Rorsted said.

He added that he did not think trade disputes would push up the price of shoes for U.S. consumers. more

4 Comments on Adidas CEO Reveals the Power of China’s Predatory Mercantilism

  1. Predatory mercantilism coupled with Neo-Fascism. A new and potent combination for westernized countries to face.

    The cold-war 1950’s was safer than the next few decades will be.

  2. The USA and Europe built China. We gave them products to manufacture, the technology make the products, the training to use the technology and finally paid them to manufacture our stuff.
    Over the years I’ve been in those Chinese factories. The biggest change is in the workers. They have become healthier, more knowledgable and have a higher standard of living. They now have certain expectations. They will not be passive if their new found way of life is impacted by tariffs. This is not a good thing for the Chinese government and will work to our advantage.
    We built China, but this may also have had some positive unintended consequences.

  3. Trump is setting these clowns back on their ass. Always pushy and threatening isn’t working this time. The president is the only american leader to come along to humble these predators, and not a moment too soon!


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