Adidas Sits On Half Billion Dollars Of Unsold Yeezys After Terminating Deal With Kayne West – IOTW Report

Adidas Sits On Half Billion Dollars Of Unsold Yeezys After Terminating Deal With Kayne West

ZeroHedge: Two months after terminating its sneaker partnership with Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, German sportswear company Adidas has been holding the bag of more than a half billion dollars worth of Yeezys, a new report from the Financial Times revealed. 

Current and former executives confirmed unsold Yeezy shoes in Adidas warehouses are worth $530 million in potential revenue. They said Adidas is trying to find ways to sell the shoes under its own brand to avoid a massive impairment charge.  MORE

11 Comments on Adidas Sits On Half Billion Dollars Of Unsold Yeezys After Terminating Deal With Kayne West

  1. 530 million in potential profit.
    Actual cost of inventory by using child labor in an overseas sweat factory probably adds up to a fraction of one percent of the 530 million they want.

  2. Bought a pair of Adidas track shoes in junior high school. Second meet I wore them to we ran a wet track. Soles started separating from shoe. Have never entertained the thought of purchasing them again.

  3. This dude was so weird he was doing stuff like insisting his new product be packaged in trash bags – highly appropriate. The pictures I’ve seen of the product had me laughing at how ugly the stuff is.
    Saying it’s worth a half billion dollars is using narcotics math. No one is going to pay Adidas that much.
    Put it on eBay.


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