Adios, Siesta! – IOTW Report

Adios, Siesta!

Is it goodbye to Spain’s national nap?

charlie rangel sleeping on lawnchair

Guardian: News that the Spanish government plans to outlaw the siesta will have little impact on the majority of Spaniards, whose only opportunity to take a midday nap is when they’re at home at the weekend. While the tradition persists in rural areas, most city dwellers work too far from home to take a siesta, unless you count nodding off at your desk.

However, what acting prime minister Mariano Rajoy is proposing would have a significant impact on Spaniards’ working, social and family life. Multinationals have tended to impose a standard 9-5 working day, but the majority of Spaniards still work a long day split into two parts: from 8 or 9 until 2pm, and from 4.30 to 8pm. In between, people use the break to take a long lunch with friends or to shop, as the big chain stores don’t close in the middle of the day.


3 Comments on Adios, Siesta!

  1. I only sleep 4 hours a day I could not nap unless I was ill.
    I work 10 to 12 hour days running an electronics business.
    6 to 8 on the weekend.
    If I slack off 150 people might be out of work. It was 300+ before Obama came to town.

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