Adjust Accordingly – IOTW Report

Adjust Accordingly

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ht/ Bad Brad

8 Comments on Adjust Accordingly

  1. Clockmed’s gutted Tandy TI-420 was far more sophisticated.

    However, I found a raman noodly hot garlic package (Ching’s Secret) that has 4 servings, it was just $0.89. I made half a pack around midnight and ate it all. Beware the stuff has a really short fuze.

  2. Every smack at this asswipe is a shot at Emperor Obola himself. Obola’s true credibility is below Absolute Zero and diving daily.

    As we adjust clocks, might we approach ‘Mussolini Hour’?

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  1. American Irony | Don’t forget, this is coming whether you remember it or not…
  2. Don’t forget, this is coming whether you remember it or not… | Western Free Press

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