Adjustments To Big Slide Might Be Wise, Yes – IOTW Report

Adjustments To Big Slide Might Be Wise, Yes

22 Comments on Adjustments To Big Slide Might Be Wise, Yes

  1. That made me laugh out loud! Saw video earlier this evening and had to make myself stop watching. Sorry, that’s just too funny. A few of them might have concussions but they had fun.

  2. Did some roofing company have extra materials? How hot is that in the sun?

    Loco…we also made blanket tents over the front and back seats and sat under them on the floor while our parents smoked and our father drove with a beer between his knees.

  3. Loco, we also rode in the back of pickup trucks, on the freeway. Then there were the road trip vacations when we got to ride in the trailer being pulled by grandma & grandpa’s 1969 Lincoln Continental.
    Good times.

  4. That’s what you call thinning out the herd, you know survival of the fittest. My wife and I were laughing about this and even the dangers we faced on the playground, we had a slide so tall and slick you had to be running in the air when you hit the ground or you’d end up flat on your face. And then there were the monkey bars that took out a student or two with a broken arm every year.
    One learned to beware of the heavy duty swing seats that could knock you out and the spinning contraption that would make you sick then fling you across the playground. Yet here we are, old, scarred tuff survivors.

  5. Not me
    AUGUST 27, 2022 AT 10:16 AM
    “That’s what you call thinning out the herd, you know survival of the fittest. ”

    …which didn’t work. Apparently, for 4 hours, people waiting in line watched folks go down ahead of them and thought, “well, it will be DIFFERENT when I do it!”.

    …kind of the same thing that Democrats say about Communism, no amount of measurable, observable, direct evidence will dissuade them, just grab a mat and over the bodies you go…


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