Administration Cutting Enviro Delays on Infrastructure Projects – IOTW Report

Administration Cutting Enviro Delays on Infrastructure Projects

Court House News

The Trump administration on Thursday proposed scaling back a key environmental law to reduce the time it takes to assess the environmental impact of major federal projects like oil pipelines.

The National Environmental Policy Act, which was first signed into law in 1970, requires pipelines, highways and other federal construction projects to first examine the environmental impact of those actions. The law also requires federal agencies to hold a public comment period for input on these projects, among other provisions.

On average, those assessments and studies can take four and a half years and require thousands of pages to be submitted to federal agencies. Studies for Federal Highway Administration projects, for example, take nearly seven years. More

9 Comments on Administration Cutting Enviro Delays on Infrastructure Projects

  1. I once attended an advanced construction management class. One of the questions on the introductory quiz was: “Describe the proper course of action upon discovery that one of your projects is excavating in a previously unknown Native American archeological site. Be detailed in your answer.”

    A: Order three 20-ton haulers for after hours. At night, using only hand-held lights, excavate all archeo evidence. Haul evidence to nearest landfill at dawn. Backfill as required and proceed with project.

    They thought it was a joke in very poor taste… until I explained that I wasn’t joking.

  2. These “environmentalists” are just lawyers sucking huge amounts of money off the front end of a project. They’ve been running this scam for decades by funneling money back to the politicians. It has nothing to do with the environment. It is graft and should be called that.

  3. It needs to change. By the time all the environmental and impact studies are done your initial assessment is outdated and you’re right back starting over in a short while. I also fear nothing will change as environmental and other groups will just pick it up and stall it in the judicial system.

  4. BrassG at 2:58,

    I know of at one time this happened, but not with big bulldozers, but the covering over of a site found with nothing reported. Then a foundation was poured and the building built without the original basement.

    It may seem wrong, but for goodness sake, how much should the current population and culture be held hostage by the kind of response that the government calls for?

  5. OMG I hope there’s a clause forbidding giving contracts to anyone related to politicians in the House or Senate. Contractors must prove they are not related by blood or marriage, at least three times removed.

    Plus no relatives on the boards, or controlling interest of stock.

    Pelosi’s husband has been playing this scam for evah!

    I don’t want to think about all the scams by her 5 kids.


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