Click on the picture of the garbage can to link to the Gizmodo website for a demonstration video.
54 Comments on Admit It; You Want This, Right?
Not sure this will work for me. Gravel driveway, roadside pickup. I’d be picking up a tipped over garbage can every Thursday.
You… lazy… fucks. Get your ass up off the sofa and haul the damn can to the curbs yourself. JFC.
Great until it gets stolen. 😀
My driveway is 1/2 mile long, wonder how quick the batteries wear out.
Guess my Shit Can still gets ignored,,,
It’s a suburban thing. Won’t work for country folk unless it can drive down long gravel driveway and then 5 miles to the waste transfer station and back.
What about suburban homes with WAY too much gravel/rocks taking up a majority of their lawn and side yard?
…what I’m saying is that this WON’T work in Arizona, bub. You’d need caterpillar tracks fitted to them.
Do they make a bulletproof version for the ghetto?
Thing on sidewalk…lawsuit waiting to happen as soon as someone “trips” on it and fall down go boom. Look out homeower and deep pockets.
That’s rocket garbage science.
(But does it clean out its own garbage can juice?)
Now if it can drive to the waste transfer station, then pick me up a 6 pack and a couple of pork chops WITHOUT GETTING GARBAGE JUICE ON THEM.
I don’t know about anyone else’s trash pickup, but the guys who do ours do not wear white gloves and lab coats. Damn Robo-Trash thing wouldn’t last a week.
Yeah…. until the first few times the guys on the trash truck dump it, and then toss it back to the curb – hard.
Will this be another “smart” device that reports back to the government what you are polluting mother earth with?
No thanx.
Isn’t that what kids a for? Hell i am fifty four and i go to moms house and take out her garbage.
Gavin Newsom will buy a million of ’em. with other peoples money.
Problem solved.
Tomorrow’s trash day for me, so this reminds me to do exactly what I watched.
It’s over 900ft from my garage door to the end of my driveway. It starts out as fairly level concrete, then blacktop with about a 5/12 pitch uphill about 15ft higher then the concrete. The blacktop is about 245ft long into a fairly level gravel driveway. I use the tractor, depending on configuration or my pickup to get the garbage ready for pickup. I have a sideXside and use it to collect the cans, unless I’m returning in the truck.
Neat idea though for perpetually lazy city folk.
dammit! I forgot to take the garbage out to the street last night!
1. The upcoming solar model will replace the exploding Lithium battery that currently can burn down your house or garage.
2. For northern climates, snow tires and optional chains will be available in the future for those troublesome snowy days.
3. A future upgrade will prevent IOT hacking (since it is a network device) with full TLS encryption. You’ll be able to communicate with your garbage securely!
4. As theft is a problem, the next model will feature its own cell connection, GPS locator and a pop-up alarm light/siren if stolen – all operable from your phone anywhere on the planet! You won’t have to worry about your dirty can getting home again.
And last but not least,
5. The new audio model will feature voice recognition and automated responses to questions like, “Did you take out the garbage, dear?”
“Yes, dear heart.” (Customizable user responses will be extra.)
Probably, the reason why more and more people get Alzheimers nowadays. AI is replacing their memories linked to responsibilities, leaving blanks in the brain. I love taking out the garbage, mowing the yard and….and…????…
I’m going for a walk…need to find that memory…of…of what I used to do.
Order one, with a locking lid, for every democrat in Congress.
Then program them to head straight into the Potomac at high tide.
When they make one that goes to the alley and empties itself into the dumpster then I am in.
That’s how the Daleks began!!!
Admit It; You Want This, Right?
Nope. What I want is a Star Trek transporter so that I can load it with stinking garbage and say, “Beam this to Adam Schiff’s rectum!”
@pianamusic – come over to my house and play my synthesizer.
Uncle Al, that’s overkill. Adam Shiff’s rectum is full of stink already. What we need to do is clean it out and throw it – and him – in that new-fangled, Bluetooth garbage can.
You have to specify TLS 1.2… Cause MD5 and Russians and stuff….
Don’t tell anyone, KR, but even TLS is subject to man-in-the-middle (of your garbage) attacks.
Good Tune.
Love it!!!
Be more than happy to play….if, if I still remember??? I still have to take the garbage out with the piano/synthesizer, which does nothing but sit and wait for someone to play it. No AI.
So what happens to it on very snowy days like we get quite often in the Winter? And I always thought that Daleks looked like mutant salt and pepper shakers and not a programmable garbage can. No thanks, and it probably will rat to the gubmint if you don’t recycle your garbage correctly or put out too much garbage. And then they’ll send Sgt. Sphincter (AKA Vinnie the garbage guy) of the garbage and recycling patrol out to rough you up a little until you get it right.
I’d like to see it protect the contents from raccoons and bears.
Jimmy at 5:07 pm,
I was waiting for my sister at her appointment to pick up her laptop at the Geek Squad when I read your comment. I started laughing and couldn’t stop. Now everyone there thinks I’m nuts.
I bought a CANSPORTER for myself last Christmas and LOVE it!! We’re out in the country and have an uphill hike of about 1/2 mile on a gravel road to get to the gate to leave the trash bins. This little attachment fits on an automobile or mule trailer hitch and makes life so much easier and quicker… especially when the bins are full of heavy materials. I’m the wife and it’s a piece of cake. Here’s where I got it…
Or the skunk who walked in front of my house Sunday night right as I was getting off work. Fortunately the guy who was driving down my street saw it as well since it crossed the street in front of him and he was able to stop. We have racoons too as well in my neighborhood.
Uncle Al, that’s overkill. Adam Shiff’s rectum is full of stink already.
True that, Jimmy! But my thinking wasn’t on the stink as much as on imagining the sheer volume of a tall kitchen drawstring bag full of garbage suddenly materializing on the wrong side of Schiff’s butt-hole.
Or, if you’d rather:
“Beam this to Bobby De Niro’s underwear drawer!”
an additional 5 points each to Geoff and The Doctor for the Daleks reference.
Claudia, I’m not responsible for my comments now as retirement is causing the engineer half of my brain to output garbage. (I am hating retirement! And I don’t know what the other half is doing. Commenting here?)
Dammit, Uncle Al, the vision of multiple draw strings emerging from Schiff’s ass almost caused nasal blowout on my keyboard.
Charlie WalksonWater, consider yourself EXTERMINATED! The Weeping Angels are far more creepy than Daleks.
Pffft. You cant touch me, Mr. Aardvark, I’m a time lord.
ps…weeping angels were creepy but those silence dudes…
What I want is what we had 50, 60 years ago on the farm. The garbage collectors drove all the way up the long driveway and around to the picket fence enclosure off the side of the house where the several garbage cans for the house were. Then two or three guys jumped out, emptied the cans into the dump truck and placed them all back nicely. Then they drove around back to the barns and did the same thing for the garbage cans out back there. Then they drove back out to go to the next house. My dad knew the guy who owned the dump, and occasionally he would wave or chat with him if he happened to be along in the truck that day.
I suppose this is really inefficient…
Those freaking drawstrings!!!
I haven’t looked in the past month, but I’ve been tying 4 flaps together for decades.
I noticed a few months ago, they’ve apparently stopped making/selling them around here! I hate those drawstrings, you can’t get them around all can shapes. Then the kids just drag the bag because they have a 3ft leash. Then the bag rips or drags a puddle of some sticky liquid (that shouldn’t be in there) all over the floor.
Uh oh, this thing will be Wall-e’s ancestor. WALL-E, short for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-class.
If you saw the movie, people had deteriorated to where they were no longer able to do anything for themselves. After generations of machines doing everything for them, they could only sit in their powered smart-chairs.
otoh, in ancient Greece, after paper started becoming widely available, people opposed it. Believing it would destroy our capacity to remember stuff if we could write it down. I can only imagine what the philosophers of old times used to be – would think of smart-phones. With the motto, we are smart so you don’t need to be.
Does it come with snow tires,chains and a plow? Upstate NY…
If I had one of those the garbage man would stop long enough to put the orange sticker on it informing me that it was the wrong size container. We are limited to 35 gal. containers. They will not lift the lids to take the bags. If you have cans that can’t be lifted so they can bang them on the truck then throw across your boulevard causing them to shatter in the extreme cold they wont touch them. A few years back we had Waste Management as we get a new waste contractor every few years when the city puts out bid requests for new waste companies. Upon hearing Waste Management was going to be our provider many people bought refuse cans from Waste Management as they were very large with a hinged lid and wheels. They were very surprised (and pissed off) when the first week Waste Management drivers tagged all the cans saying they were too large.
I once fell for a gadget from iRobot called a Looj. It was a remotely l control gadget for cleaning rain gutters. It had tractor treads and an auger with heavy rubber flappers that could spinin either direction.
It worked well on dry leaves that contained no sticks, pine needles, gumballs or moisture. Didn’t work worth a shit.
What it really worked best at, because of the remote control, was launching the cats high into the air.
They were intrigued by it, with its ability to go back and forth, but it needed a rest until the sniffing began. Turn on the rubber flappers and the cats shot up 3 or 4 feet in the air.
After we all got bored i took it, the spare battery and spiffy carrying case to the dump.
I’ve bought a couple of other clunkers over the years, but mostly not.
Worx. It’s a wheelbarrow. It’s a handtruck It lifts boulders and heavy potted trees. It holds leaf bags.
It’s no substitute for either a wheelbarrow or a hand truck.
Sophomoric robotics make it really undesirable. I have a customer due this month that her teenage sons have been into a robotics school program, for several years, that competes nationally.
I’ve seen some of their work.
They get challenged to build something that accomplishes certain feats – exactly like this can is doing.
This can here would not win at their competitions.
And your state will require annual tag feed…
like your car.
Drop off all your shit in downtown Portland. Anything that covers up the bums and the mayor’s campaign promises is greatly appreciated.
Pro tip: Use small waste baskets and small bags like grocery store bags. When full, tie it up and take it on your next trip to the grocery store. Throw it away in a grocery store parking lot/sidewalk trash bin. Hey, your garbage is mostly stuff you got from them in the first place anyway, right?
I take my larger stuff to Walmart. Their outside trash bins have bigger mouths.
aawww maaan. I just now set my trash out. lol
Lol, uncle al. Occasionally, usually the day after garbage day. My wife will haul out an overstuffed 13 gallon bag and throw it in her car, she then goes shopping.
Believe me, I’ve bitched numerous times about leaky, stinky shit in the garbage. Especially during summer months.
You think I abused her, or made my point?
Point made, old_oaks, point made!
@ Uncle Al
Gas stations get a lot of mine. Real short guilt-free effort grabbing it from the vehicle and tossing it in a can everyone expects you to use like that. It’s more work if I do it at home.
Sometimes it’s things I’d rather not have waiting in my bin for Monday pickup. Sometimes it’s things I hope they don’t question.
Hey, I literally make a killin’ in this biz. So you have a dead rat in the can at the gas station.
It happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Uncle Al, you are so funny.
A sense of humor is a true gift. I can’t tell you how many times you have improved my day.
Thanks for that.
God bless you.
@oolook —
Thanks for your kind words. You’ve improved my day, too.
Not sure this will work for me. Gravel driveway, roadside pickup. I’d be picking up a tipped over garbage can every Thursday.
You… lazy… fucks. Get your ass up off the sofa and haul the damn can to the curbs yourself. JFC.
Great until it gets stolen. 😀
My driveway is 1/2 mile long, wonder how quick the batteries wear out.
Guess my Shit Can still gets ignored,,,
It’s a suburban thing. Won’t work for country folk unless it can drive down long gravel driveway and then 5 miles to the waste transfer station and back.
What about suburban homes with WAY too much gravel/rocks taking up a majority of their lawn and side yard?
…what I’m saying is that this WON’T work in Arizona, bub. You’d need caterpillar tracks fitted to them.
Do they make a bulletproof version for the ghetto?
Thing on sidewalk…lawsuit waiting to happen as soon as someone “trips” on it and fall down go boom. Look out homeower and deep pockets.
rocketgarbage science.(But does it clean out its own garbage can juice?)
Now if it can drive to the waste transfer station, then pick me up a 6 pack and a couple of pork chops WITHOUT GETTING GARBAGE JUICE ON THEM.
I don’t know about anyone else’s trash pickup, but the guys who do ours do not wear white gloves and lab coats. Damn Robo-Trash thing wouldn’t last a week.
Yeah…. until the first few times the guys on the trash truck dump it, and then toss it back to the curb – hard.
Will this be another “smart” device that reports back to the government what you are polluting mother earth with?
No thanx.
Isn’t that what kids a for? Hell i am fifty four and i go to moms house and take out her garbage.
Gavin Newsom will buy a million of ’em. with other peoples money.
Problem solved.
Tomorrow’s trash day for me, so this reminds me to do exactly what I watched.
It’s over 900ft from my garage door to the end of my driveway. It starts out as fairly level concrete, then blacktop with about a 5/12 pitch uphill about 15ft higher then the concrete. The blacktop is about 245ft long into a fairly level gravel driveway. I use the tractor, depending on configuration or my pickup to get the garbage ready for pickup. I have a sideXside and use it to collect the cans, unless I’m returning in the truck.
Neat idea though for perpetually lazy city folk.
dammit! I forgot to take the garbage out to the street last night!
not joking.
mansfield lovell. Trash bandits worldwide thank you.
As an engineer, I expect improvements.
1. The upcoming solar model will replace the exploding Lithium battery that currently can burn down your house or garage.
2. For northern climates, snow tires and optional chains will be available in the future for those troublesome snowy days.
3. A future upgrade will prevent IOT hacking (since it is a network device) with full TLS encryption. You’ll be able to communicate with your garbage securely!
4. As theft is a problem, the next model will feature its own cell connection, GPS locator and a pop-up alarm light/siren if stolen – all operable from your phone anywhere on the planet! You won’t have to worry about your dirty can getting home again.
And last but not least,
5. The new audio model will feature voice recognition and automated responses to questions like, “Did you take out the garbage, dear?”
“Yes, dear heart.” (Customizable user responses will be extra.)
Probably, the reason why more and more people get Alzheimers nowadays. AI is replacing their memories linked to responsibilities, leaving blanks in the brain. I love taking out the garbage, mowing the yard and….and…????…
I’m going for a walk…need to find that memory…of…of what I used to do.
Order one, with a locking lid, for every democrat in Congress.
Then program them to head straight into the Potomac at high tide.
When they make one that goes to the alley and empties itself into the dumpster then I am in.
That’s how the Daleks began!!!
Admit It; You Want This, Right?
Nope. What I want is a Star Trek transporter so that I can load it with stinking garbage and say, “Beam this to Adam Schiff’s rectum!”
@pianamusic – come over to my house and play my synthesizer.
Uncle Al, that’s overkill. Adam Shiff’s rectum is full of stink already. What we need to do is clean it out and throw it – and him – in that new-fangled, Bluetooth garbage can.
You have to specify TLS 1.2… Cause MD5 and Russians and stuff….
Don’t tell anyone, KR, but even TLS is subject to man-in-the-middle (of your garbage) attacks.
Good Tune.
Love it!!!
Be more than happy to play….if, if I still remember??? I still have to take the garbage out with the piano/synthesizer, which does nothing but sit and wait for someone to play it. No AI.
So what happens to it on very snowy days like we get quite often in the Winter? And I always thought that Daleks looked like mutant salt and pepper shakers and not a programmable garbage can. No thanks, and it probably will rat to the gubmint if you don’t recycle your garbage correctly or put out too much garbage. And then they’ll send Sgt. Sphincter (AKA Vinnie the garbage guy) of the garbage and recycling patrol out to rough you up a little until you get it right.
I’d like to see it protect the contents from raccoons and bears.
Jimmy at 5:07 pm,
I was waiting for my sister at her appointment to pick up her laptop at the Geek Squad when I read your comment. I started laughing and couldn’t stop. Now everyone there thinks I’m nuts.
I bought a CANSPORTER for myself last Christmas and LOVE it!! We’re out in the country and have an uphill hike of about 1/2 mile on a gravel road to get to the gate to leave the trash bins. This little attachment fits on an automobile or mule trailer hitch and makes life so much easier and quicker… especially when the bins are full of heavy materials. I’m the wife and it’s a piece of cake. Here’s where I got it…
Or the skunk who walked in front of my house Sunday night right as I was getting off work. Fortunately the guy who was driving down my street saw it as well since it crossed the street in front of him and he was able to stop. We have racoons too as well in my neighborhood.
True that, Jimmy! But my thinking wasn’t on the stink as much as on imagining the sheer volume of a tall kitchen drawstring bag full of garbage suddenly materializing on the wrong side of Schiff’s butt-hole.
Or, if you’d rather:
“Beam this to Bobby De Niro’s underwear drawer!”
an additional 5 points each to Geoff and The Doctor for the Daleks reference.
Claudia, I’m not responsible for my comments now as retirement is causing the engineer half of my brain to output garbage. (I am hating retirement! And I don’t know what the other half is doing. Commenting here?)
Dammit, Uncle Al, the vision of multiple draw strings emerging from Schiff’s ass almost caused nasal blowout on my keyboard.
Charlie WalksonWater, consider yourself EXTERMINATED! The Weeping Angels are far more creepy than Daleks.
Pffft. You cant touch me, Mr. Aardvark, I’m a time lord.
ps…weeping angels were creepy but those silence dudes…
What I want is what we had 50, 60 years ago on the farm. The garbage collectors drove all the way up the long driveway and around to the picket fence enclosure off the side of the house where the several garbage cans for the house were. Then two or three guys jumped out, emptied the cans into the dump truck and placed them all back nicely. Then they drove around back to the barns and did the same thing for the garbage cans out back there. Then they drove back out to go to the next house. My dad knew the guy who owned the dump, and occasionally he would wave or chat with him if he happened to be along in the truck that day.
I suppose this is really inefficient…
Those freaking drawstrings!!!
I haven’t looked in the past month, but I’ve been tying 4 flaps together for decades.
I noticed a few months ago, they’ve apparently stopped making/selling them around here! I hate those drawstrings, you can’t get them around all can shapes. Then the kids just drag the bag because they have a 3ft leash. Then the bag rips or drags a puddle of some sticky liquid (that shouldn’t be in there) all over the floor.
Uh oh, this thing will be Wall-e’s ancestor. WALL-E, short for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-class.
If you saw the movie, people had deteriorated to where they were no longer able to do anything for themselves. After generations of machines doing everything for them, they could only sit in their powered smart-chairs.
WALL-E, Our disappointing future. .
otoh, in ancient Greece, after paper started becoming widely available, people opposed it. Believing it would destroy our capacity to remember stuff if we could write it down. I can only imagine what the philosophers of old times used to be – would think of smart-phones. With the motto, we are smart so you don’t need to be.
Does it come with snow tires,chains and a plow? Upstate NY…
If I had one of those the garbage man would stop long enough to put the orange sticker on it informing me that it was the wrong size container. We are limited to 35 gal. containers. They will not lift the lids to take the bags. If you have cans that can’t be lifted so they can bang them on the truck then throw across your boulevard causing them to shatter in the extreme cold they wont touch them. A few years back we had Waste Management as we get a new waste contractor every few years when the city puts out bid requests for new waste companies. Upon hearing Waste Management was going to be our provider many people bought refuse cans from Waste Management as they were very large with a hinged lid and wheels. They were very surprised (and pissed off) when the first week Waste Management drivers tagged all the cans saying they were too large.
I once fell for a gadget from iRobot called a Looj. It was a remotely l control gadget for cleaning rain gutters. It had tractor treads and an auger with heavy rubber flappers that could spinin either direction.
It worked well on dry leaves that contained no sticks, pine needles, gumballs or moisture. Didn’t work worth a shit.
What it really worked best at, because of the remote control, was launching the cats high into the air.
They were intrigued by it, with its ability to go back and forth, but it needed a rest until the sniffing began. Turn on the rubber flappers and the cats shot up 3 or 4 feet in the air.
After we all got bored i took it, the spare battery and spiffy carrying case to the dump.
I’ve bought a couple of other clunkers over the years, but mostly not.
Worx. It’s a wheelbarrow. It’s a handtruck It lifts boulders and heavy potted trees. It holds leaf bags.
It’s no substitute for either a wheelbarrow or a hand truck.
Sophomoric robotics make it really undesirable. I have a customer due this month that her teenage sons have been into a robotics school program, for several years, that competes nationally.
I’ve seen some of their work.
They get challenged to build something that accomplishes certain feats – exactly like this can is doing.
This can here would not win at their competitions.
And your state will require annual tag feed…
like your car.
Drop off all your shit in downtown Portland. Anything that covers up the bums and the mayor’s campaign promises is greatly appreciated.
Pro tip: Use small waste baskets and small bags like grocery store bags. When full, tie it up and take it on your next trip to the grocery store. Throw it away in a grocery store parking lot/sidewalk trash bin. Hey, your garbage is mostly stuff you got from them in the first place anyway, right?
I take my larger stuff to Walmart. Their outside trash bins have bigger mouths.
aawww maaan. I just now set my trash out. lol
Lol, uncle al. Occasionally, usually the day after garbage day. My wife will haul out an overstuffed 13 gallon bag and throw it in her car, she then goes shopping.
Believe me, I’ve bitched numerous times about leaky, stinky shit in the garbage. Especially during summer months.
You think I abused her, or made my point?
Point made, old_oaks, point made!
@ Uncle Al
Gas stations get a lot of mine. Real short guilt-free effort grabbing it from the vehicle and tossing it in a can everyone expects you to use like that. It’s more work if I do it at home.
Sometimes it’s things I’d rather not have waiting in my bin for Monday pickup. Sometimes it’s things I hope they don’t question.
Hey, I literally make a killin’ in this biz. So you have a dead rat in the can at the gas station.
It happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Uncle Al, you are so funny.
A sense of humor is a true gift. I can’t tell you how many times you have improved my day.
Thanks for that.
God bless you.
@oolook —
Thanks for your kind words. You’ve improved my day, too.