Afghan Heroin Growers Go Green, Making “The Desert Bloom” With Solar Panels – IOTW Report

Afghan Heroin Growers Go Green, Making “The Desert Bloom” With Solar Panels


What the heroin industry can teach us about solar power – BBC News

If you have ever doubted whether solar power can be a transformative technology, read on.

This is a story about how it has proved its worth in the toughest environment possible.

The market I’m talking about is perhaps the purest example of capitalism on the planet.

There are no subsidies here. Nobody is thinking about climate change – or any other ethical consideration, for that matter.

This is about small-scale entrepreneurs trying to make a profit.

It is the story of how Afghan opium growers have switched to solar power, and significantly increased the world supply of heroin. More

10 Comments on Afghan Heroin Growers Go Green, Making “The Desert Bloom” With Solar Panels

  1. So the environmentalists are happy that underground water is being sucked up. I would ask them what the long term effects of sucking up that ground water are considering the Obama admin was up everybody’s ass a few years ago about stopping Montana farmers from using water for cattle & farming etc.

    This type of use will most likely lead to a very very severe drought in the future. And Fuck the UN when they tell the world it is our duty to help like in Somalia.

    2nd point is NAPALM NAPALM NAPALM instead of writing a piece that shows the virtue of the farmers who are destroying lives all over the world.

  2. Never happen my great patriot fellow
    from the frozen north of our continent.
    There is billions & billions in that business.
    Better chance of Hillary going to prison for life…

  3. Isn’t that the point of solar; to generate electricity in places it’s impractical (or impossible) to run copper to?
    Space filler article.
    As far as the poppies go, there’s this shit called Roundup…


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