Afghanis face 14-step U.S. visa process. illegals at the border? Come on in – IOTW Report

Afghanis face 14-step U.S. visa process. illegals at the border? Come on in

American Thinker:

By Monica Showalter

Based on the news photos seen on Twitter, the Taliban is at the gates of Kabul, and the Saigon-style U.S. evacuations have begun.

AP, Bloomberg, and Al-Arabiya are reporting that the Taliban is streaming into Kabul from all sides, and control every provincial capital. The terrorists are flying abandoned U.S. helicoptersposing with our abandoned guns, and parading in abandoned U.S. vehicles, with its “commanders” dancing with glee. In Kabul, the airport is jammed, the bank runs are starting, the prisoners are being let out, and the car line into Uzbekistan up north is stretching for miles. Gunshots are reportedly heard at the Afghan presidential palace. The Taliban took Jalalabad, shutting off the eastern route out, so Kabul airport is reported to be the only exit left. The U.S. Chinook helicopters have arrived for evacuations, the fighting on the outskirts of the capital is fierce, and planes have reportedly been taking off without a known destination.

Which leaves what must be the biggest horror — the line for visas into the U.S. sought by those who served as translators, interpreters, spies, or collaborators of the U.S. during the 20-year war. MORE

10 Comments on Afghanis face 14-step U.S. visa process. illegals at the border? Come on in

  1. This is without a doubt the most emboldening time for America’s enemies seeing all the signs of our weakness due to the Biden administrations liberal and heartless policy’s. Expect attacks not from 911 type haters of the great Satan. The mostly white redneck Trump voting Patriots are not a threat to democracy and are probably the only ones true terrorists fear!

  2. Afghanis Aren’t anywhere near as close to the Vietnamese who were immigrants. Vietnamese assimilated easily, it is about culture, motivation and a desire to be free. I don’t believe the Afghanis can make that move, particularly those bent on terror, their culture of wife abuse and honor killing of their children.

  3. Afghanis Aren’t anywhere near as close to the Vietnamese who were immigrants. Vietnamese assimilated easily, it is about culture, motivation and a desire to be free. I don’t believe the Afghanis can make that move, particularly those bent on terror, their culture of wife abuse and honor killing of their children.

  4. While I’m sympathetic to the plight of those afraid of the Taliban and wanting to flee to the West, there is something to forcing people to stay where they are to confront their oppressors and fight for their own freedom.

  5. Every okay Afghani that gets in a relatively short time will be allowed via chain migration to bring in godknowswhatcrap who are some kind of family members.

    But that aside, if you think that the Biden administration and the idiots who are in the State Department, or their delegee NGOs, actually can vet any but a handful of people, think again.

    And prepare for massive numbers of walking across our southern border.

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