Afghanistan fell while Biden vacationed, exposing intelligence failures and policy missteps – IOTW Report

Afghanistan fell while Biden vacationed, exposing intelligence failures and policy missteps

Just The News: As overnight reports depicted harrowing scenes from a besieged Kabul, analysts and officials continue their months-long struggle to unpack what went so wrong so fast to enable the Taliban’s rush to complete power in Afghanistan. 

Prominent among those attempting to deconstruct the unfolding humanitarian and military disaster was Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who reportedly blamed the Afghan National Army on Sunday.

“You can’t buy willpower, and you can’t buy leadership,” Austin said during a virtual meeting with U.S. national leaders, according to Fox News. Others who joined Austin on two calls included Secretary of State Antony Blinken; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley; and members of the House and Senate, the outlet reported. 

Austin told the House he was “beyond disappointed” that Afghan forces offered scant resistance to Taliban forces around the country, according to the report. more here

26 Comments on Afghanistan fell while Biden vacationed, exposing intelligence failures and policy missteps

  1. Read this from Don Surber:

    DC knew Biden would botch Afghanistan

    All of Washington wanted to get rid of the president. On this Republican and Democrat leaders agreed. They whipped up a fake scandal, greased the skids for an impeachment, and got the press to convince the public the president must be replaced.

    His replacement was a reliably lame congressional lifer.

    I could be talking about Nixon/Ford or Trump/Biden.

    It is the same deal.

    This is what Washington wanted. Instead of a competent executive whom the people backed, they wanted an old hack in the Oval Office. That he was ill-prepared or ill-suited for the job mattered not.

    Alan Steinberg wrote on June 10, 2020, “Our nation presently, as in 1974, is badly in need of a healer who can bind up our nation’s wounds. The divisions in the Watergate downfall of Republican President Richard Nixon in 1974 were not nearly as acute as those of the present; they were strictly political, as opposed to the current interracial conflict that is rending the social fabric of our nation.

    “It is as if we are presently experiencing four major years of national crisis simultaneously: 1918 (the year of the last global Pandemic), 1929 (year of the stock market crash, signaling the onset of the Great Depression), 1968 ( year of racial and anti-Vietnam War civil unrest), and 1974 (year of revelation of major presidential misconduct).

    “On both occasions, our nation has been badly in need of a healer. Most people have forgotten that at the beginning of 1973, our Vice-President was the horrifically corrupt, disgracefully anti-Semitic Spiro Agnew. Had he been Vice President in August, 1974 at the time of the resignation of President Nixon, the divisions would have worsened.

    “America was saved, however.”

    And what did we get from the Sainted Jerry Ford?

    Inflation and the Fall of Saigon.

    But Ford was a puppet of Official Washington. He is remembered fondly while Nixon, who engineered a graceful end to the Vietnam war, still is shunned.

    Biden is Ford II, just as Kabul is Saigon II. The Deep State and Congress wanted an occupant in the White House, not a president because they feared an end to their trillion-dollar game of needless wars, dependency on Red China, and getting cheap labor, votes, drugs, and sex toys (girls and boys) from Mexico and Central America.

    “On both occasions, our nation has been badly in need of a healer. Most people have forgotten that at the beginning of 1973, our Vice-President was the horrifically corrupt, disgracefully anti-Semitic Spiro Agnew. Had he been Vice President in August, 1974 at the time of the resignation of President Nixon, the divisions would have worsened.

    “America was saved, however.”

    And what did we get from the Sainted Jerry Ford?

    Inflation and the Fall of Saigon.

    But Ford was a puppet of Official Washington. He is remembered fondly while Nixon, who engineered a graceful end to the Vietnam war, still is shunned.

    Biden is Ford II, just as Kabul is Saigon II. The Deep State and Congress wanted an occupant in the White House, not a president because they feared an end to their trillion-dollar game of needless wars, dependency on Red China, and getting cheap labor, votes, drugs, and sex toys (girls and boys) from Mexico and Central America.

  2. Is milley one of our cross dressing generals?

    There’s no doubt in my mind he’s a woman because he’s gotta be the biggest pussy the U.S. Military has ever created…

  3. @Anon, Trump increased military spending and funded the wall through congress the way that you’re supposed to do it. Good luck kicking your obvious issue with balls. Your name shows you lack your own.

  4. Anonymous August 16, 2021 at 5:29 pm

    You’re so full of shit it’s running out your mouth onto your keyboard. These are Obama/Bush Generals. And Trump used some defense money to build the wall but there was enough to keep all the programs going. I’m in that biz.

  5. The elites in DC are talking about both Biden and Harris resigning.
    There are rumors Pelosi will resign.
    If Biden & Harris go they don’t want Pelosi stepping into the fake presidency.
    If she resigns the next in line are Leahy then Blinken then Austin.
    The office of the president would still have ball-less tools in it.

  6. Judging by the vapid comments, it looks like IOTW has attracted one of OANN’s brain dead trolls. Soon they’ll be coming up with snarky names and a lot of name calling.

  7. The whole entire next in line group are disasters waiting to happen.

    1 Vice President Kamala Harris Democratic
    2 Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi Democratic
    3 President pro tempore of the Senate Patrick Leahy Democratic
    4 Secretary of State Antony Blinken Democratic
    5 Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen Democratic
    6 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Unknown
    7 Attorney General Merrick Garland Unknown
    8 Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland Democratic
    9 Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack Democratic
    10 Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo Democratic
    11 Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh Democratic
    12 Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra Democratic
    13 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Marcia Fudge Democratic
    14 Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg Democratic
    –[A] Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm Democratic
    15 Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona Democratic
    16 Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough Democratic
    –[A] Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas Unknown

    We have to face reality, we’re screwed!

  8. Maybe it’s all a ploy to enact Marshal Law. Now that all conservatives are terrorists, as compared to 9-11 and now to the Taliban no doubt.
    There won’t be anymore elections, only the appointments of the faithful.

    “has happened more quickly than we anticipated”
    They just watched it for 6 months, and let it happen.

  9. We poured billions of dollars each year for twenty years into Afghanistan. It should be no surprise that when the dollars stopped, they looked for an alternative source. The Taliban were bankrolled by somebody. They did not have the funds to pull this off. I suspect it is China and Turkey with some donations from the more islamist Arab sheiks.

    Biden’s people knew full well what was going to happen. I think chaos was the plan. That was what fomenting the Green Revolution was all about. Piss on America’s allies and enable its enemies (that’s why they left the protesting Iranians to the wolves). We had eight straight years of it with Obama and his administration is starting again.

    It looks like what they have set up is a massive hostage situation. Biden and his (Obama’s) minions will enjoy kowtowing to the Taliban to get them back. It is the Ambassador Stevens plan on steroids, and no patriotic heroes to mess things up.

  10. The fraudulent take over of the USA by the democrats has meant with little to zero resistance from the justice department either or any other agency. Must be trending for American policy in all cases – now its take a knee or just bend over.

  11. To the Anonymous with a burnt motor & fried Control board in his head…

    A WALL that secures a boarder is a Military Tool.

    Now that that wall/boarder looks like Swiss Cheese your military is assisting Boarder Services and has been diverted to transporting illegals WITH FUCKING COVID to TEXAS & FLORIDA.
    (Wonder why the Whu Flu is spreading?)

    That fuckin wall, and people guarding that wall, with political will to enforce Trumps immigration policy WAS you first line of PASSIVE defence. It discouraged a fair amount the invasion before they even left their home countries.

    So instead of a Polish Immigrant with Math & Science degrees who wants to design Aircraft applying to be an American at New York, you get another low wage Gardener or dishwasher at $9/hr under the table that qualifies for State Medical Aid.

    I D I O T A !

  12. Kcir
    Not worth the effort on Anonymous, probably thinks Obama was a good president.
    Probably will have to move out of Grandma basement.

    Short list – Which President
    Hint – Not the current FAKE Pres.
    America gained 7 million new jobs
    Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000
    The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century.
    More Americans reported being employed than ever before
    Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
    Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows.
    Lifted nearly 7 million people off of food stamps.
    Over $1.5 trillion was repatriated into the United States from overseas.
    For the first time in nearly 70 years, the United States has become a net energy exporter.
    The average American family saved $2,500 a year in lower electric bills and lower prices at the gas pump.

    Long List Here.

  13. Anonymous August 16, 2021 at 6:30 pm

    And it’s a good thing God gave you those knee pads cause everyone deserves a head job.
    Trump also opened dialogue with North Korea. If you don’t talk to your enemies how are you suppose to defuse the situation? Nuclear war. Trump also bomber a base in Syria while he was dining with Xi Jinping. What timing.

  14. It is my understanding from veteran friends who served over there that only about %2 of the Afghan army was worth anything as a fighting force, the other %98 were worthless. But yes, the current unelected administration absolutely fucked up by not having ANY plan to evac those Afghans who were allies. I use the past tense, because those allies are either already dead, or soon will be.

    Way to go, Pedo Joe.

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