AFL-CIO Union Comes Out in Support of Illegal Alien Workers Taking U.S. Jobs – IOTW Report

AFL-CIO Union Comes Out in Support of Illegal Alien Workers Taking U.S. Jobs

more at The Conservative Treehouse

14 Comments on AFL-CIO Union Comes Out in Support of Illegal Alien Workers Taking U.S. Jobs

  1. The commie left thinks that criminal illegals are ‘above the law’. And they don’t have to obey laws like everyone else does.

    You cannot have justICE without ICE.

    The left is a criminal organization encouraging the flouting of law and order.

  2. Q. What do you call a society where certain groups have all the rights and bear few if any responsibilities, while others bear more and more responsibilities with fewer and fewer rights?

  3. Two modern principles:

    Ban guns and only criminals will have guns.
    Destroy the privileges of citizenship and only the illegals (read potential Demorat voters and union dues payers)will have privileges.

    As we used to say — Look for the Union FABLE!

  4. If the illegals are working in very dangerous conditions those work places need to be looked into. It sounds like they are being put in danger by the union.

  5. Yeah right… the Union cares about their safety.
    The only thing the Union cares about is bolstering their sagging union dues revenue!
    Follow the Money!
    It wouldn’t surprise me one bit that the Chicomz are doing a little under-the-table funding of this too!

  6. Just like the leftist dirtbag Democrats want Illegal Alien voters the leftist, dirtbag, crooked Union officials want Illegal Alien dues paying members,especially since they can undercut and under-price Americans out of the trade jobs)!

  7. Now is the time for the ghost of unions past to come out and start organizing against their leadership in small then larger groups, stopping their union payments and finally a good riot or two that has the senior union boys slipping out of the country with bags of cash. The if they elect some realists that care about the country and their members I may start to respect them one again.


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