After Adding Trump Documentary To Netflix List, Look What They Recommend For Viewing – IOTW Report

After Adding Trump Documentary To Netflix List, Look What They Recommend For Viewing

This is outrageous and libelous. For 8 years I had to make jokes about the Obamas because there’d be no way Netflix would recommend, let’s say, King Kong for viewing after a Michelle Obama documentary was put in the queue.

But look at what they recommended to Art of the Zeal after she put a Trump documentary in the queue.

This is bullshit. I don’t use Netflix, but if I did I’d drop them and tell them exactly why.


38 Comments on After Adding Trump Documentary To Netflix List, Look What They Recommend For Viewing

  1. Although some zealous Netflicker set that up, I’m inclined to think not. The most efficient and effective way for them to display recommendations based on one selection is to see what other customers who made that selection viewed both in the same general category and in the same general time-frame.

    At least I hope it isn’t deliberate, because I’m an otherwise satisfied Netflix customer.

  2. All the anti-Trump nazi proponents do not realize America KNOWS Donald Trump for DECADES. They know he’s not a NAZI sympathizer. All that Dem psycho ops (sex scandal, Russia, Nazi) slides off Trump like water on a duck’s back. Only an idiot would truly believe all that bullsh*t.
    Trump screws the Democrat playbook and that’s why you see them screaming at the sky and attacking statues.

  3. This is just too suspicious. I don’t buy it. Not only that, when I watch a movie, the “other people also watched” list is always just a whole bunch of really crappy selections that nobody else would likely have ever watched, much less selected. I think Netflix’s algorithm is a sham.

  4. I don’t buy it.
    But also, if for some reason people who watched Southside Love Affair (or whatever the Obamas movie was called) had Gorillas in the Mist and Planet of the Apes and All About Communism show up via an algorithm, that would be quashed, PDQ.

  5. OK, I just added Meet the Trumps to my watch list and then asked for “MORE LIKE THIS”. What’s interesting is that the recommendations are quite numerous. I’ll post a comment in a few minutes with the results, which were more surprising than disturbing.

  6. AOTZ-

    Al’s not denying it happened, he’s just saying it’s an organic matching based on viewer habits and algorithms.

    I don’t buy it, and I also think it would be hand corrected had something insulting or embarrassing come up in the queue after an Obama documentary was viewed

    Netflix is loving this auto-recommendation, I’m sure.

  7. I also don’t buy that white supremacists and KKK members see a kindred spirit in Trump.
    Richard Spenser is a left-wing creation.
    There is nothing in Trump’s agenda that should give a KKK member a chubby, except for the wall.
    And I don’t think there is enough of them, if they do exist, to be skewing the algorithms on Netflix. .

  8. I had Netflix for 8 years before their, CEO Reed Hastings, decided to weigh in on the election last year:

    “Trump would destroy much of what is great about America,” Hastings said, according to Politico. “Hillary Clinton is the strong leader we need, and it’s important that Trump lose by a landslide to reject what he stands for.”

    I dropped Netflix before my next monthly renewal came up and told them exactly why. They said “no problem” and couldn’t have given a shit less.

    This was, of course, way before I knew of their hiring practices for actors, writers and directors that mainly centers on employing rapists and child molesters.

  9. First number is Percent Match. “–” means none listed.

    — 11/8/16
    — The Royal House of Windsor
    93 9/11 Truth, Lies and Conspiracies
    — City in the Sky (docu on air travel)
    88 KKK The Fight for White Supremacy
    88 The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler (BBC)
    — The Real Godfather (docu on Bernardo Provenzano)
    — Oliver Stone’s The Untold History of the United States
    — Joan Didion’s The Center Will Not Hold
    90 Edward VIII The Nazi King
    72 Amazing Hotels – Life Beyond the Lobby
    — Gaga: Five Foot Two (yes, that Gaga)
    81 The Day I Met El Chapo
    93 Secrets of the SAS In Their Own Words (the Brit commandos)
    — Food – Delicious Science
    82 One Of Us (Hasidic Jews try to leave their community)
    85 DaVinci The Lost Treasure (docu)
    — Mr. Dynamite, the Rise of James Brown (EEOOOOOOWWWW!)
    63 Sex Changes that Made History (docu on 1940’s surgery/mutilation)
    — In Search of Israeli Cuisine
    — It Was 50 Years Ago Today (docu on The Beatles)
    80 1945: The Savage Place (docu on Eastern Eur. reprisals against Germans)
    — Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Runnin’ Down a Dream (docu)
    — The World’s Worst Disasters (docu TV series)
    — I Am Bolt (docu on the spectacular sprinter Usain Bolt)

  10. I have a very clean account with Netflix. I just got it for free with my new cable subscription. I started to play “Meet the Trumps”, then immediately stopped it as an experiment. What was recommended next was a bunch of conspiracy movies and Hitler films.

  11. As a Netflix subscriber, all my current Recommendations are irrelevant, unrelated to each other and unrelated to my interests or recent viewings. Nonsensical and random. No pattern.
    2. When Netflix scrapped their 1-5 Star rating system (for political motives) there is no longer any way of tracking whether a viewer liked or hated a selection.
    As a result I think they don’t have any real algorithm now. They’re just randomly pushing tiles. I could care less about House of Cards, Pawnshop shows, Twilight series or Hobbits, but they keep popping up week after week.
    3. Looks pretty clear Netflix has created a Trump-Nazi-KKK link. Easy to do.

    If you have Amazon Prime (I know, Bezos, WaPo) it includes free streaming internet video, no cable required. Similar movie library to Netflix. Easy to cancel Netflix and send them a message.

  12. I can’t help but wonder if they want US to start the revolution because they’re afraid they would be accused of starting something that would turn out very bad for them or if they are too stupid to know that we actually do have a limit.

  13. @Jellybean,
    Yes. And again, yes.

    The Left has been told for two generations that their absolute triumph is inevitable, that History is with them, that they are the overwhelming Majority and that “we” are a tiny dwindling minority, stupid and doomed.

    These propaganda programmings dictate everything they do. All their choices stem from delusional myths.

  14. Learn how to use bit torrent. This is nothing less than an idealogical war we are in, so start treating it like one.
    All of the entertainment industry is corrupt, so don’t give them another dollar or your money.
    Cut the cable and go Internet only. Build and maintain your own Plex Server. Use an antenna whenever you can.

  15. we enjoy netflix. no commercials on our favourite Brit programs BBC and all that.

    But we liked it a lot better whaen thay had the ratings system. Rufus is right. After they shitcanned that my movie and program matches went all to heck.

  16. I got similar recommendations and sent them the following complaint. Their email address is

    I entered Meet the Trumps in your search engine. When I asked for “more like this” I got the recommendations below. This is outrageous and libelous. For 8 years I had to endure the Obamas and there’d be no way Netflix would recommend, let’s say, The History of Communism” or “About the Muslim Brotherhood” for viewing after a Barack Obama documentary was put in the queue.
    This is not acceptable, and I don’t believe for one minute that the result is what others have searched for after searching for Trump.

    This is a clear example of juvenile, prurient bias and you are about to lose a customer if you don’t get it fixed. Donald Trump is president of the United States whether you like it or not. Your customers don’t need to be disrespected in this fashion. Why don’t you come up with recommendations for documentaries about other presidents? Or other businessmen? No, you come up with recommendations for KKK and Hitler and the Mafia. This sucks. Get it fixed.

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