After Believed By Morons, AP Corrects Their Hit Piece on Ivermectin – IOTW Report

After Believed By Morons, AP Corrects Their Hit Piece on Ivermectin

AP issues correction after claiming 70% of poison control calls were from ivermectin overdoses, real number is 2%.


The Associated Press is facing criticism after issuing a correction to a story claiming that 70% of Mississippi’s poison control calls were due to people taking dangerous doses of ivermectin.

“In an article published Aug. 23, 2021, about people taking livestock medicine to try to treat coronavirus, The Associated Press erroneously reported based on information provided by the Mississippi Department of Health that 70% of recent calls to the Mississippi Poison Control Center were from people who had ingested ivermectin to try to treat COVID-19,” the AP’s correction states.

“State Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Byers said Wednesday the number of calls to poison control about ivermectin was about 2%. He said of the calls that were about ivermectin, 70% were by people who had ingested the veterinary version of the medicine,” the correction statement concludes.


JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — In an article published Aug. 23, 2021, about people taking livestock medicine to try to treat coronavirus, The Associated Press erroneously reported based on information provided by the Mississippi Department of Health that 70% of recent calls to the Mississippi Poison Control Center were from people who had ingested ivermectin to try to treat COVID-19. State Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Byers said Wednesday the number of calls to poison control about ivermectin was about 2%. He said of the calls that were about ivermectin, 70% were by people who had ingested the veterinary version of the medicine.


30 Comments on After Believed By Morons, AP Corrects Their Hit Piece on Ivermectin

  1. i suggested to a friend the other day to read EVERY article as misinformation no matter the source then ponder before you decide if it is accurate.

    We are no longer in a world where hearing or seeing = believing.

  2. If we can convince the media that now conservatives believe welfare cures COVID, the liberal media would start warning their liberal audience to avoid welfare. (Like that would ever happen.)

  3. The cunts at Twatter and Fascistbook have left all those obviously intentional disinformation posts out on their sites, proving once again that their censorship isn’t about presenting accurate information to the public but about fucking over people their shitbag employees and managers don’t like in the false name of “accuracy”.

  4. “ΛΡ ιssυεs cοrrεcτιοη αfτεr clαιmιηg 70% οf ροιsοη cοητrοl cαlls ωεrε frοm ινεrmεcτιη ονεrδοsεs, rεαl ηυmbεr ιs 2%.”

    “Sτατε Σριδεmιοlοgιsτ Δr. Ραυl βγεrs sαιδ Wεδηεsδαγ τhε ηυmbεr οf cαlls το ροιsοη cοητrοl αbουτ ινεrmεcτιη ωαs αbουτ 2%. Ηε sαιδ οf τhε cαlls τhατ ωεrε αbουτ ινεrmεcτιη, 70% ωεrε bγ ρεορlε ωhο hαδ ιηgεsτεδ τhε νετεrιηαrγ νεrsιοη οf τhε mεδιcιηε.”

    Sο, αcτυαllγ, ιτ ωαs 70% *οf* 2%, οr 1.4%, οf cαlls ωhιch ωεrε αbουτ ρεορlε ωhο hαδ *τακεη* ινεrmεcτιη. Τhε ρεrcεηταgε οf ρεορlε cαllιηg αbουτ ινεrmεcτιη *ονεrδοsεs* ωουlδ bε ενεη *lοωεr* τhαη τhατ.

  5. Tim, we don’t even know if those calls were legit or just trolls false-flagging, like they did with HCQ and fish tank cleaner. Obviously, all the media needs is 1 or 2 fake calls to spin up a narrative about hundreds of calls. But it’s pretty obvious from the zealous trollery in support of the fake news that the Expert Class desperately needs to suppress the truth about Ivermectin.

  6. Thirdtwin

    It’s Groucho.

    I’m not saying you can’t OD on Ivermectin, if you take an entire tube of horse paste, you probably will.
    I will say though from experience, I once accidentally injected myself with a dose for a 400 lb pig and nothing happened to me. I will admit I was a little paranoid and looked up symptoms of overdosing on Ivermectin, but I never had any. I couldn’t tell you how much horse paste I’ve ingested over the years when worming a horse or a goat. I’ve also gotten the pour on for cattle on my skin numerous of times. Not just Ivermectin either, but different kinds of wormers.

    I also accidentally gave a young goat an entire tube of horse paste once. I was doing it by myself, trying to hold the goat and it hit the dial and broke it without my knowledge and the entire tube went into it’s mouth. I worried I had killed the goat, because it didn’t weigh but about 40 lbs. It survived and never showed any problems. It’s still around today, 3 years later.

  7. Remember the other false story about the hospital so full of patients who overdosed on Ivermectin that started with a news channel in Oklahoma, the one with pictures of people standing in line with coats and jackets in our 90 degree weather?
    The OKC channel still hasn’t corrected that story and they’re still on Covid, covid, everyone is dying from covid, Ivermectin, Ivermectin is a dangerous animal drug that doesn’t work for covid.

  8. Apparently the regulars here can’t read..
    I have no problem with any of you morons taking all the horse wormer you can stand..

    Did I ever mention that my daughter who is a covid nurse will gladly dose you with ivermectin like her doctors order…

    My question is Why do you assholes want to catch covid so you can take it?

  9. The doctor in Oklahoma is now saying he was misquoted and that he said people were taking full cattle dosages, but that he did not say all hospitals were overran.

    He’s a liar I listened to what he said in the interview. Integris hospitals are coming to his rescue sort of(btw avoid Integris all over this state, they are absolutely horrible) they say they have a handful of ivermectin patients in their ER and while they are not filled with ivermectin patients they are adding to the congestion.
    I will drive by our local ER tomorrow and see how full the parking lot is. The last time they claimed the ER was overran their parking lot was empty. Most people only go to the hospital for minor stuff and tests because they are horrible.
    I would like to know what he considers full cattle dose. I checked the other night when someone pointed out what Ann Barnhardt was saying to take and it is 1 cc/ml per 110 lbs. If they follow that dosage it is not going to hurt them, so he’s still full of shit.

  10. You can make anything look like a crisis by reporting percentages instead of actual numbers. There were probably only 5 total calls to the poison control center and three were about ivermectin.

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