After Christie Sells Mailing List To Rubio He Endorses Trump – IOTW Report

After Christie Sells Mailing List To Rubio He Endorses Trump

Well, Trump did say he was building a big tent.


Just 2 days ago Christie sold his mailing and donor list to Marco Rubio.

Today Christie endorsed Trump.

27 Comments on After Christie Sells Mailing List To Rubio He Endorses Trump

  1. A little over a year ago I was talking to a friend who voted twice for Obama. He said he’d like to see Christie run for president. I though naw, he’s a RINO. But the more I watch Christie, the more I liked him. In four or eight years, after his stint as VP, I think he’d make a good president. Actually, I’d really like him for AG.

  2. Totally of Topic:

    BFH I will pay a “membership fee” to not have pop ups via a log in. I get needed to monetize – let some of us pay you directly…

  3. Just when El Marco R. Amnesty, President Gang of Eight, finally slakes his thirst and wipes the last gallon of sweat off of his face
    so that he can launch a final desperation kamikaze attack against the Donald Trump goes out and enlists the ‘Rubio Terminator’ to beat him up and send him packing back to his GOPe mentors!

  4. Trump was endorsed by Code Pink, Planned Parenthood and many other Rinos and now he has Crispie Creme on his team. It’s really amusing watching Trump supporters twist and turn themselves into pretzels supporting Trump.

  5. it’s a rum one for sure. about died when learning that presser had christie involved. was yelling at muted tee vee “NO!! Not Christie for VP!”
    Guess Trump is using the right tool for the job on Rubio in these last hours before the SEC. I’m not reading anymore into it. Although their talking about their decade long friendship may explain their jolly interatction at debates.
    Trump could not use him without

    i’m sending from phone — argggh. internet modem on the fritz today.

  6. Re: Christie selling his donor lists to Rubio, then endorsing Trump

    Actually, it’s a pretty good idea. Trump obviously has no need or interest in donor lists since he’s self-funding his campaign, and Christie supporters are going to look at Rubio’s requests for support and donations as an annoyance and toss them in the trash.

    Why shouldn’t Christie make a few bucks off the deal?

  7. @ Abigail Adams

    That is awfully frustrating. The day after Nevada, my router went out in the afternoon. It was a scramble to have our son – in another part of the state, get a new one, do what he does to it for us, and have it hooked and working for the debate last night. I almost started to get angry with God for taking my internet away. 🙂 He did let me hooked up for the debate last night.

  8. We had router problems last month. Except we didn’t. We have a pretty sophisticated wiring system and I after troubleshooting the Netgear Firewall and then rebooting the WAP, I inadvertently plugged the WAP back into the wrong outlet in the wall (an open socket for who knows what all). Well, no wonder the WAP wouldn’t boot! Today, however is a recurring modem problem and now our set top box is not taking input from the remote. There are some things I detest about living in the digital age. I sometimes will watch a film from the 70s (think All The President’s Men) where people talk on land lines and type on paper. It wasn’t much, but we all went home after work.

  9. Wow, here’ something I feel stupid not considering. Chris Christie is a highly placed insider to the Republican Party apparatus. Sundance at The Last Refuge (CTH) did a big write up on how his endorsement of Trump introduces quite a lot of angst among the establishment GOP. It’s not nothing.

    And so funny! Andrea Shea King comments about Newt Gingrich and a potential role he may play (and is playing?) in a Trump WH.
    Veddy intedesting. I was just talking with Zilla this morning about being a Gingrich supporter in ’12, before Romney’s nomination and we wondered about any role he might play in this election. Curious-er and curious-er.

  10. I was in love with Gingrich in ’12 and I still think I am. I really cannot come up with a proper word for how he thinks and for his mind. The closest thing for him and Trump is the think and react three dimensionally while their lessors think in one dimension.

    Michael Steele said that it wasn’t coincidental that Romney, Cruz and Rubio hit Trump on the same day. I think I’m liking Steele more since he isn’t or doesn’t seem to be in at all with the GOPe.

    After I saw Christie’s take down or Rube during the previous debate, I gained new respect for the man.

  11. @ AA,

    I just finished reading the article. It’s so sad that the Cruzers here and other places who hate the GOP elitists, won’t read it and learn. What will it take? Loosing the country completely to the elitists and their shills?

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