After Dem Violence Gets Politician Shot, Leftist Media Claims Trump Humor Will Get a Journalist Shot – IOTW Report

After Dem Violence Gets Politician Shot, Leftist Media Claims Trump Humor Will Get a Journalist Shot

The left’s faux outrage is an act of desperate misdirection. They are apoplectic about the president retweeting a reworking of Trump taking down Vince McMahon in a WWE clip. Someone replaced McMahon’s face with the CNN logo.


New York Times reporter Alan Rappeport called the president’s tweet “A call for violence against the media.”

ABC News’ Martha Raddatz took the fake video seriously in an interview with Homeland Security adviser Thomas Bossert. “That seems like a threat,” Raddatz asserted. “No one would perceive that as a threat,” Bossert replied.

The Washington Post headlined its news coverage of the tweet, “Trump appears to promote violence against CNN with tweet.” WaPo reporter David Nakamura wrote: “A day after defending his use of social media as befitting a ‘modern day’ president, President Trump appeared to promote violence against CNN in a tweet.”

“It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters,” CNN said in a statement responding to the tweet.

ABC News’ chief political analyst Matthew Dowd claimed Trump is “advocating violence against media” and demanded Republican leaders “put country over party” in response to the fake video of fake wrestling.

“Around the world, journalists are murdered with impunity on a regular basis,” Poynter managing editor Ben Mullin gravely stated. “This isn’t funny.”

CNN commentator Ana Navarro called the tweet “an incitement to violence” in an appearance on ABC News. “He is going to get somebody killed in the media,” she claimed.


I guess if you’re guilty as sin you can interpret the outing of fake news “violent.”

I guess James O’Keefe is being “violent” when he exposes CNN producers and talent admitting they are simply ratf*cking the president with nothing burgers, all for ratings.

ht/ fdr in hell

33 Comments on After Dem Violence Gets Politician Shot, Leftist Media Claims Trump Humor Will Get a Journalist Shot

  1. The media are acting just like bullies when confronted with one who won’t cow down to them. They’re crying foul and pissing and moaning about how mean and dangerous he is. Everyone one of the organisations quoted here have been caught lying or dissembling about the President and if not outright support AntiFa violence against him then not condemning their actions. They are two faced scum whom I’d like to meet in a restaurent some day. No, no violence I’m far too old and civilized for their tactics but some people would sure get a ruined dinner when a water or wine (preferably red) accidently gets bumped off the table into their lap.

  2. There’s a powerful stench of hypocrisy in the air!
    I can smell it out here in MO – so it must be skunkishly oppressive back East.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m going to kill somebody because of the trauma some women endure because of a facelift? And that’s going to send me gunning some local TV personality?

    Wow, didn’t realize how completely unhinged I was. Let’s hope I never convert to a religion that states “Smite the necks of the unbelievers.”

  4. Truth- nobody seems to know what the word means any more. its all just an opinion or what you perceive it to be to fit your agenda. If I didn’t tell the truth my mouth was washed with soap and I got a belt on the butt.

  5. Leftist media deserves to cower and be plagued with paranoia after the crap they are spreading about Mr. Trump. They have no idea most people don’t care about what happens to their “journalists”.

  6. Start at the top. Taking out journalists wouldn’t be that effective.


    And if it comes down to it, they really will be the enemy that needs to be taken down. They are total propaganda machines out to destroy America.

  7. The original video was made over ten years ago. Was anyone concerned that it would incite violence? Doubt it. It is obvious a stunt.

    What I find funny is comparing fake wrestling with msm. So appropriate. Clowns.

    If there is any backlash, it would be due to the media’s lies, not this silly video.

  8. I don’t know what I’d DO if I woke up tomorrow and saw a sea of blood outside the headquarters of the Washington Post and New York Times.

    Probably make another cup of coffee.

  9. @Bongo, I too thought he was just this Tycoon with an insatiable craving for publicity.

    I’m very proud to say I was wrong. There must be tens of millions of Americans who are glad to have underestimated him.
    Including millions who held their nose and voted for Hilary. But they will be voting for Trump Term 2 in 2020.

  10. Trump should invite Wolf Blitzer to one-on-one interview, then suddenly stand up, drop his pants and sprayshart chicken vindaloo and green goddess salad in that lobotomized blinking yellow-journalist’s face.

    That’s what I think of arguing with leftards. Just shit on them. Literally.


  12. I guess it’s a good thing the guy that edited the video left out the part where Trump shaved Vince McMahon’s head (which was after what is shown on Trump’s retweet). I just caught a “panel” on CNN wailing about how terrible this video clip was and was proof positive that Trump has completely gone off the deep and must be removed from office for the safety of all America LOL.

    This “panel” even had some “psychologist” saying that Trump’s psyche has been so damaged that he had to post something that made him seem athletic and virile before he meets with Putin in the near future.

    These idiots just can’t accept that Trump took a funny video clip that included him and used it to show how he is just figuratively beating the snot out of CNN (and other fake news outlets) in the arena of public opinion. It’s hilarious to watch these whiny children overreact to it in such an exaggerated manner. And like Andrew Klavan’s video showed, they are all on the same page of pushing the same false narrative that Trump is calling for violence against them when in reality, Trump is just making fun of them very effectively.

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