After Kamala Flubs, Biden Plans Euro-Trip to Address Ukraine – IOTW Report

After Kamala Flubs, Biden Plans Euro-Trip to Address Ukraine

(Headline USA)
President Joe Biden will travel to Europe next week for face-to-face talks with European leaders about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced Tuesday.

Biden’s jaunt overseas comes in the wake of Vice President Kamala Harris making a similar trip earlier this month, which ended in no substantive progress and much ridicule for the cupcake and cackle Veep’s series of blunders and gaffes.

Biden will meet with European leaders at a NATO summit in Brussels on March 24. He will also attend a scheduled European Council summit, where efforts to impose sanctions and further humanitarian efforts are underway.

“While he’s there, his goal is to meet in person face-to-face with his European counterparts and talk about, assess where we are at this point in the conflict in the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. We’ve been incredibly aligned to date,” Psaki said. “That doesn’t happen by accident. The president is a big believer in face-to-face diplomacy. So it’s an opportunity to do exactly that.” more

20 Comments on After Kamala Flubs, Biden Plans Euro-Trip to Address Ukraine

  1. Sure. If you thought Kamalaka Ding Dong was a disaster during the presser F2F meetings, let’s see if anyone manages to wake Joey up, or point him towards the leader he is supposed to shake hands with.

  2. Why are we sending this husk of a ‘president’ on the world stage – waste of time, money, and effort. No one will be watching or listening. Can’t these people do anything right?

    Just do a pre-packaged Zoom call with prepared talking points, put the nincompoop behind a mask, mumble a lot and call it a day!

  3. Since Biden believes in “face-to-face” diplomacy, then this means that he will really give away the store. Be prepared for more sell-outs, more grift, more corruption.
    Biden is in the pocket of Red China, Russia and the Ukraine.

  4. He along with his NATO counterparts will probably attempt a Neville Chamberlin moment and give it all away and start another European war like in World War 2. Where are the real statesman like a new Winston Churchill? The closest we’ve probably had in recent history was Donald Trump because Putin knew that we would really kick his if he started something like this when Trump was President. Instead we get a presidunce who is a chickenshit, a weenie, a gutless coward and all around appeaser who won’t do a damned thing but make it worse.

  5. Is there room in the Hold of Air Force 1 for all the Cash he is going there to PICK UP.
    About 10% of the aid by American Tax Payer to Ukraine converted to cash and sent back.

  6. Biden’s been a beta cuck his whole life, so meeting with the euroweenie beta cucks ought not be a problem. Words are all they have and words mean nothing to any of them. We can really only hope poor old Joe doesn’t shit his pants out loud again.

  7. At least Neville Chamberlain was a patriot. Although a naive one, he later realizing his mistakes gave it his all in the war effort.
    His legacie like this administration’s will live on and not in a good way.

  8. Wait just a damned minute! This sounds serious! If Dementia Joe’s Handlers are sending in the Varsity Team to bring NATO in line with their plans for Peacefulness Sometime in the Future, we had better take this seriously. The gibberish and blather are going to get thick quick. This will clear up all of the Kalamitous Jamindian’s gibberish and blather quicker than…….ummm…….hummm……you…….you know……the thing! Come on, Vlad!


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