After Kavanaugh, GOP learns to do victory dances – IOTW Report

After Kavanaugh, GOP learns to do victory dances

American Thinker: 


In the past, whenever the Republicans won something, the first gesture has always been to reeeeeach across the aisle. To tout the virtues of comity and bipartisanship. To call for the ‘healing of wounds.’

We aren’t seeing that in the wake of the successful Senate vote to confirm Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

After a colossal war of attrition waged by the Democrats, loaded with lies, mud-slinging, foul faith, and filthy dirty tricks, an unprecedented no-holds-barred political warfare (they, umm, overplayed their hand as some delicately said), we are now seeing from Republicans dances with glee, with zero apologies. To heck with reaching across the aisle…

These are victory dances. More


4 Comments on After Kavanaugh, GOP learns to do victory dances

  1. As I said in another post, time to take Graham on the road in some key battle states like TN now that Taylor Sift has come out for the Democrats. I know it will be hard to counter a songstress who can write such meaningful ballads like “Shake It Off”, but Lindsay is on fire right now.(Exploding fist bump and all.)

    In the Spirit of Mike Honcho, “Damn the Torpedoes, it’s Shake and Bake Time!”


    Lindsey Graham is thug-lifin’ it up out there. Trump is bashing this fraud and doing rallies. VP Mike Pence is going right straight at ’em and waving to protesters. Even Collins is giving blistering speeches.

    Heck, even GEORGE M.F. BUSH got off his ass and got involved!

    Did the Republicans switch to testosterone water or something?

  3. Hell might just be about to freeze over! Never thought I would see the day where some backbone and balls were shown by the GOP. Hopefully it will last beyond the midterms and its just a not a show to keep the base fired up.

  4. More people are waking up to the reality of “you can’t placate them”, “never apologize”, and “this really is a war so stop treating them like frienemies”.
    The days of “we agree to disagree” are over – people are getting beaten, fired, and/or removed from schools for holding different political beliefs.
    So the legitimate response is to celebrate each and every victory, to spike the ball, and to dance on their graves {}.


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