After Lengthy Fight, DOJ Clears Texas’ Voter ID Law – IOTW Report

After Lengthy Fight, DOJ Clears Texas’ Voter ID Law

DailyCaller: The Department of Justice will withdraw from a legal challenge to Texas’ voter ID law, after the state legislature enacted several legislative fixes to the law to assuage the Department’s concerns.

Reuters reports that the Department filed a motion informing the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas that it would withdraw from a challenge to the law because the state’s new amendment to the statute “removes any ‘discriminatory effect’ or intent the Court found … and advances Texas’s legitimate ‘policy objectives’ in adopting a voter ID law.” The amendment Texas adopted eased some of the law’s photo identification requirements.


8 Comments on After Lengthy Fight, DOJ Clears Texas’ Voter ID Law

  1. Good. As hard as it has been waiting on Sessions’ DoJ to act on stuff, I am convinced it’s because he cares about whether or not their work, unlike those cretins whose place he took, is struck down by the Supremes. It would be a big blow to other states if TX’s I.D. law was tied up in courts.

  2. This stops the touted Blue-ing of Texas in its tracks.
    Once the voter database is checked and purged, this will eliminate anywhere from 500k to (I expect) 1 million+ Dem votes nationally.
    This is YUGE.
    And now other States can adopt similar laws with TX as the template.
    And no Leftist DoJ to interfere.

    Winning. MAGA.

  3. Make a state I’D mandatory and FREE on every state, territory and DC. Drivers’ licenses can still be charged for, but if the I’D is free, there’s no excuse to not vote!!!

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