After Pledging to Release His Taxes a Month Ago, Sanders Still Has Yet to Do So – IOTW Report

After Pledging to Release His Taxes a Month Ago, Sanders Still Has Yet to Do So


During a CNN town hall on Feb. 25, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said that he would release his taxes “sooner than later.” Over a month later, Sanders has yet to release them.

CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer asked the senator when he would release his tax returns. Sanders responded that he would but didn’t specify a date.

Blitzer pressed him as to why there has been a delay.

“Well, you know, the delay is not—our tax returns will bore you to death,” Sanders said. “It was—nothing’s special about them. It just was a mechanical issue. We don’t have accountants at home. My wife does most of it. We will get that stuff out.”

“So, when do you think we will see your tax returns?” Blitzer asked.

“Sooner than later,” Sanders said.

“What does that mean?” Blitzer asked.

“Soon,” Sanders said.


6 Comments on After Pledging to Release His Taxes a Month Ago, Sanders Still Has Yet to Do So

  1. A politician who lies when asked a question? Never would have seen that coming. Next thing you know he’ll tie his lie to Trump releasing his tax records. Oh golly, now I’m inventing conspiracies.

  2. Commies are always corrupt. Sanders just hid it longer than, say, that idiot cortez – who committed a million dollars in ax fraud her first month in office.

    Or pelosi. Or john kerry. Etc.


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