After School Satan Club – IOTW Report

After School Satan Club

Declaring that they too must be allowed on school grounds after hours due to the 2001 Supreme Court ruling in Good News Club v. Milford Central School, the Satanic Temple of Seattle has targeted Centennial Elementary to allow an After School Satan Club to use their facilities.




15 Comments on After School Satan Club

  1. I have the impression that these “Satanist” are anti-religious atheist, who since they don’t believe in any higher power (good or evil) use Satan as their means to sneer at organized religion.

    This is nothing but an exercise in mocking Christianity.

  2. This is what happens when some Christians insist on proselytizing on public grounds. Churches should absolutely intice youth to Christ on private property by promoting concerts and other events. But they opened the door to the satanists and atheists by demanding that Christians be aloud on campus. And let’s face it: satan has sex, drugs and rock n roll. Do you really want to compete, side by side, with that?

  3. I looked at their website. They are just your run of the mill leftists, quite lame, predictable and boring. Their “theology” consists of every cliche in a leftist repertoire. I suspect that going under the name “Satanic Temple” serves two purposes: 1) they’ll claim a fraudulent religious status in order to not pay taxes and 2) use it as a differentiating marketing schtick to attract the nincompoops as paying members. There’s a video showing their leader – she’s just an overweight cat-lady with absolutely no charisma.

  4. The satanists are targeting schools that allow Christian bible classes after school. It is an attack on Christianity.

    Vista Elementary in Taylorsville, Utah is another one being attacked by the cult.

  5. scr_north;” I’m really wondering when that big Tsunami is going to hit the west coast. It would solve a lot of problems.’
    Watch it; you’re going to get a really angry response from anonymous screaming about how much tax he’s going to have to pay to rebuild calif.
    Sarcasm is over his/her/it’s head!

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