After Sweden’s Social Democrats Run on Tightening Influx of Immigrants They Screw Over Their Constituents – IOTW Report

After Sweden’s Social Democrats Run on Tightening Influx of Immigrants They Screw Over Their Constituents

Politicians lie the world over.


Sweden’s new government, which was finally formed in January after months of delay, is introducing policies that will lead to more immigration into Sweden — despite the main governing party, the Social Democrats, having run for office on a promise to tighten immigration policies.

The right to family reunion for those people granted asylum in Sweden who do not have refugee status is being reintroduced — a measure that is estimated to bring at least 8,400 more immigrants to Sweden in the coming three years. According to the Minister of Migration, Morgan Johansson, this measure will “strengthen integration,” although he has not explained how.

“I think it is a very good humanitarian measure; 90 percent [of those expected to come] are women and children who have lived for a long time in refugee camps, [and] who can now be reunited with their father or husband in Sweden”, Johansson said. He was probably referring to the fact that most of the migrants who arrived in the past couple of years were young males, who had left their wives and children behind. The measure also entitles so-called “unaccompanied children” to bring their parents to Sweden. Many of these “unaccompanied children” turned out to be adults, not minors. (The dentist who contributed to exposing this inconsequential detail was subsequently fired).


ht/ forcibly deranged

8 Comments on After Sweden’s Social Democrats Run on Tightening Influx of Immigrants They Screw Over Their Constituents

  1. Whatever happened to the Viking spirit in those people? Now Aziz is bending Alva over the hood on mainstreet and their politicians are showing the resolve of Paul Ryan.

  2. If they want to do family reunification fine, just adjust it a touch. Only women and children under the age of 14 are allowed in and for every one of them 5 recent (within the last say, 5 or so years) single male migrants between the ages of 18 and 45 are tossed out.

  3. What, damnit, is “humane” about forcing suicide on your family, your neighbors, your Nation, your culture? If you want to off yourself out of some twisted, insane sense of lefty cultural embarrassment, at least have the decency to go off and do it by yourself! Even better, get a body bag and crawl into it so no one really has to deal with what you leave behind! IDIOTS!!

  4. @Sven Horbald March 9, 2019 at 5:35 pm

    > Whatever happened to the Viking spirit in those people?

    That was almost a thousand years ago. Sweden is now, proudly, officially, the world’s “first feminist government”. The people who would abide that, will not change that. Importing males (young, strong) as indentured servants is the only way for such a government to survive. As with Haiti, the aristocrats’ meat machines may not abide their place. But, from within or without, that is the only way to restart, after the change is done.

  5. It’s too little and too late.
    muzzies are a global infestation, turning their host countries into the shitholes from which they fled.

    Western culture is doomed.


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