After Trump Clarification on Mandate, Prominent Physician Verifies Trump Is Not For Single Payer – IOTW Report

After Trump Clarification on Mandate, Prominent Physician Verifies Trump Is Not For Single Payer

After Trump said, “I like the mandate,” when being interviewed by Anderson Cooper, Trump clarified why he said, very quickly, what he meant-

The Hill:

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Now a prominent physician from Johns Hopkins confirms Trump is not for single payer—>

7 Comments on After Trump Clarification on Mandate, Prominent Physician Verifies Trump Is Not For Single Payer

  1. i have no use for Trump since I want a Conservative ideologue like Cruz but … what he says about pre-existing conditions is true. Most everyone thinks some accommodation needs to be made to cover pre-existing conditions – Obamacare or no Obamacare. That’s not a particularly controversial position for him to take.

  2. fact: close to 90% of people liked their healthcare insurance & wanted to keep it …. the democRATs went & voted in ObamaCare anyway & still to this day, think it’s a great idea.
    If we could only do away with the government-mandated policy of not allowing insurance companies to go across state lines, prices would go down dramatically.
    as for pre-existing conditions, insurance companies covered that BEFORE oblamacare…. another fact

  3. Pre-exisitng conditions were only immediately covered if you got into a group health plan. Individuals usually had to wait a year. Trump is in essence right. We could had addressed that very small group without the government taking over the entire damn healthcare system. But then that wasn’t the Dems objective was it?

  4. Tsunami — Do you mean that if you, personally, become ill or injured– even critically so — you would pay all of your own medical expenses? Because if that is not the case, then, conversely, you would be infringing on my liberty of not having to pay for your medical expenses. You’ve written your view on this several times, but I’m not sure anyone has asked or if you’ve clarified this.

    Thanks, AA

  5. AA,

    If I become personally ill or injured and I don’t have current health insurance I’ll go to the county hospital – the one I’ve paid my income taxes to for the past 37 years.

    Personal and independent health insurance, although desirable, is now unaffordable to me since ObamaCare came to play, and although I could subscribe to MediCal for only $1 per, I refuse to sign up.

    I absolutely RESENT being forced to participate in something I deem immoral and substandard.

    You can throw all of the “what if’s” at me that you want, but I won’t comply with an unconstitutionally mandated bullshit system at the behest of that system’s demand.

    Now, if I could just convince the government to butt the fuck out of my life.

    My medical expenses are MY business and MY responsibility. I have an issue with what I believe is future government intrusion and subsequent control into my life through THEIR healthcare system. First they tell me I have to have it; then they tell me I have to pay some huge deductible before I even see my benefit kick-in; then they’ll tell me that I’m too old to receive the benefit; then they’ll tell me that I’m not allowed to have certain rights for whatever reason.

    I’ve already paid generously into the system. If I am forced to tap that system due to some unfortunate event, then so be it.

    The government can’t run anything correctly. What motivation do I have to allow myself to be forced to participate in that mess?

    The Constitution was put in place to KEEP the government from doing exactly what it is doing, but there’s nothing that says that I can’t resist – as a matter of fact, it is my DUTY to resist.

    I will resist until I can’t. By doing so I maintain the moral high ground.

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