AG Barr is In Italy on Official Business – One of the Countries Involved in Spygate Scandal – IOTW Report

AG Barr is In Italy on Official Business – One of the Countries Involved in Spygate Scandal

Gateway Pundit:

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos tweeted out on Friday night that Attorney General Bill Barr is currently on official business in Italy.

Deep State Spy Joseph Mifsud was used to tie George Papadopoulos to Russia by the Deep State, the Mueller gang and their mainstream media.  Now we know that Mifsud was close to Hillary and even dined with her in 2016!

As we noted in February 2019, candidate Trump’s unpaid volunteer George Papadopoulos was spied on by the Deep State through an individual named Joseph Mifsud.

Mifsud’s purpose was to plant information with Papadopoulos (namely that the Russians had Hillary’s emails) so that the same information could be retrieved from Papadopoulos and the Deep State could say that the Trump campaign knew Russia had Hillary’s emails.
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13 Comments on AG Barr is In Italy on Official Business – One of the Countries Involved in Spygate Scandal

  1. @PHenry – you nailed it! It all fits together!

    A Bigfoot Space Alien is Chewbacca! Chewbacca is a Wookie!
    And who is Chewbacca in real life?? Michelle Obola, that’s who! Michelle Obola is orchestrating this entire DeepState Corruption Cover-up!

    Now where’s my goddam Nobel Peace Prize? After all, I didn’t do anything to earn it!

  2. I’m glad Papadolpoulos had his wits about him and left the $10K behind. I am praying the FBI wise guys were diligent in recording the serial numbers of the money before they gave it to him and that that “memorializing” is or has been discovered.

    To all who believe Barr is Deep State or incompetent: (I know CTH has been pushing this narrative for quite a while; to what end, I haven’t a clue.) If all of this is as deep and wide as it appears to be, it is likely — to my mind, anyway — that AG Barr must be very careful not to hose his own prosecution by jumping the gun on the small fry. If we can ever hope to truly reform our intelligence agencies, it won’t be because we indicted the loud mouths like Comey, Strozk, Page, Orr, or even Clapper and Brennan. These people are all out of the gov’t now, anyway. There must still be a number of Obama operators inside these places and in the State dept. Patience is our ally now.

    Pelosi just led a junket to Africa 6-8 weeks ago to mark the anniversary of the “Door of No Return” – at least that’s what was given as the official reason for spending all that tax-paid money. However, she also visited the U.S. Army African Headquarters in Vincenza, Italy; about an hour’s plane ride from Rome and far enough away from Italy’s seat of national gov’t to give the illusion of being separated. But I wonder, and so do many others. Besides the gaggle of wide-eyed girls enjoying the perks of newly-minted statesmanship (think: Gidget Goes to Italy), John Lewis and James Clyburn were also on the junket.

  3. Bill Barr has the opportunity to bring the perps to justice and become the greatest Attorney General this country has ever seen. Bill Barr will have a legacy that will be unequal to any before him and probably long after.
    If he takes the side of the perps he can reside in hell with the rest of them.


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