AG Bill Barr Identifies Antifa Activists as Organizers of National Mob Violence, Looting and Arson – IOTW Report

AG Bill Barr Identifies Antifa Activists as Organizers of National Mob Violence, Looting and Arson

Conservative Treehouse: Earlier today U.S. Attorney Bill Barr made a public statement about the George Floyd killing and the opportunistic mob violence that has taken place over the last three days. Within the statement the attorney general correctly identified Antifa as the primary organizing mob behind the riots, looting and mayhem.

[Transcript] – β€œThe greatness of our nation comes from our commitment to the rule of law.

The outrage of our national community about what happened to George Floyd in Minneapolis is real and legitimate. Accountability for his death must be addressed, and is being addressed, through the regular process of our criminal justice system, both at the state and at the federal level. That system is working and moving at exceptional speed. Already initial charges have been filed. That process continues to move forward. Justice will be served.

Unfortunately, with the rioting that is occurring in many of our cities around the country, the voices of peaceful protest are being hijacked by violent radical elements.

Groups of outside radicals and agitators are exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate and violent agenda.


30 Comments on AG Bill Barr Identifies Antifa Activists as Organizers of National Mob Violence, Looting and Arson

  1. When will Trump classify them as a terrorist group and charge them? He said he might do it a while back. Why isn’t Soros in jail for funding Antifa, and confiscate Soro’s finances?

  2. @Jethro

    Where are the machine guns? Where are the mortars?

    Are they not in working order?

    What has the Minneapolis Police Chief been doing for the past week? Seems like squat.

  3. I was headed northbound on I-5 and State Patrol we’re passing me like I was in reverse. Signs said I-5 closed at I-90. That was about 16:30.

    The rioters in the videos all looked to be predominantly lily white ANTIFA types.

  4. I had a laugh reading the Seattle protest twitter feed. Lotsa β€œpower to the people” shout-outs from idiots who were at the protest but sadly had to leave because of the pouring rain.

    It’s been raining cats and dogs all day not ideal for a fairweather antiFa.

  5. You won’t see or hear this on the alphabet news channels, but it’s highly likely that most of the looters, rioters and anarchists are from other states, exploiting a crisis – at the great pleasure of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, et. al.

    No surprises here:

    Thugs for hire by the left, Antifa undoubtedly in the mix there somewhere, planned, orchestrated anarchy. George Soros saying, you gotta break a few eggs to make communist omelette.

  6. “AG Bill Barr Identifies Antifa Activists as Organizers of National Mob Violence, Looting and Arson….”

    Then he ate sevem donuts and went back to sleep. Or consulted Sessions for advice.

  7. @JDHasty May 30, 2020 at 9:48 pm

    > Cut off all federal unemployment comp to anyone identified present at the riots effective immediately.

    Yeah. People who are actually willing to get off their a$$e$, and do something. And your plan is to be sure, that if they’re already a government leech (which you indicate is an honorable thing, that’s why it should be denied to dishonorable people), that the currently insufficient “Oh! Behave!” bribe, should be removed. So they, people who are actually willing to get off their a$$e$, and do something, will have mathematically negative reason to grovel.

    It’s a plan. I’m not saying it’s a good plan. But it is a plan.


    And I love the way he talks.

    (Then Anonymous got butt hurt reading my pro Bill Barr post and went back to being breast fed by his 90 year-old mother who just poured him a hot cup of cocoa.)

  9. Nice that Captain Obvious finally figured out what we all knew. Now actually DO something about other than babble.

    This should also end the ridiculous requirements for wearing the face diapers. Masks in public should be banned since the thugs are hiding behind them.

  10. In November of 2017, Christopher Wray (FBI) testified before House Homeland Security that he was “actively investigating” groups that were engaged in and funding domestic terrorism that were loosely identified as having “an antifa ideology”. He refused to actually call antifa, “antifa.”

    In January 2019 Wray said again that the FBI was investigating “home grown” terrorism, but instead of naming antifa, he went after “white supremacists”.

    Wray seems to go out of his way to avoid recognizing the very organized group “antifa”, despite the fact that they have a well-known group battle flag, a regular roster of activists, Craigslist ads, and a well-known affiliation with BAMN (By Any Means Necessary), which is funded by openly-communist organizations, and which is, itself, an openly-communist organization.

    But even Wray is not entirely to blame. Our Congress also seems incapable of asking the right questions and are content to let the whole embarrassing thing (communism) just slide off their plates.

    This is not a problem that has been ignored by AG Barr; it has been flubbed (again) by an incompetent and/or corrupt FBI.


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