Age of Rage – IOTW Report

Age of Rage

Jonathan Turley

A poll released by the University of Chicago via the Chicago Project on Security and Threats offers a chilling account of the growing radicalism in America, particularly after the second foiled assassination attempt of former president Donald Trump, the poll found that 26 million Americans believe “the use of force” is justified to keep Trump from regaining the presidency.

As discussed in my book, The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage,” we have seen an increasing level of rage rhetoric in our political system. For some, violent language can become violent action. There is a normalization that can occur as extreme actions become more acceptable to more and more citizens More

16 Comments on Age of Rage

  1. On topic, I saw this the other day, spend a few minutes witnessing the total disfunction of our congressional system as rogue criminals posing as Democrat Senators steamroll the process in order to get even more [female] radical activists nominated to the bench;

    Half the country hates the other half and we hate them right back. The system is broken, untenable, and will collapse on itself.

  2. …the poll found that 26 million Americans believe “the use of force” is justified to keep Trump from regaining the presidency.

    There’s always a missing question in this poll topic: “What are you planning to do about those who disagree with you and believe that the use of force is justified to stop YOU?”

  3. These are the same people who will destroy “democracy” in order to save it from those they disagree with. They’ll go full Nazi and bask in the appreciation of their masters on the left.

  4. Dennis Prager has brought up this point often (I’m summarizing), “If you honestly believe that Trump is Hitler then aren’t you morally compelled to use whatever means, including violence, to stop him and save the Republic?”

    Analogous to Germany in the mid 30’s, doesn’t all self righteous progs say to themselves ,”I must act, to save humanity I must do something”?

    This is the mentality of the other side, where laws go out the window because the rule of law is impotent in the face of a tyrant.

  5. If Trump wins, it will be those 26 million who will try to ignite a civil war. The bastards will earn every damned bullet that hits them.

    I think Conservatives will be a lot less willing to wave the bloody shirt if Trump loses and Harris wins. We’re just not as crazy or quite as willing to shed blood as the leftists are.

  6. This is exactly why I have more ammo for my AR than I could possibly need. I own 25 mags for it and every one of them is loaded and ready… The proverbial feces is gonna hit the fan. I can see it coming from a mile away.

  7. It’s working, members of my own family consider me radical MAGA terrorist. What have I done to them? Nothing I simply support Trump.

    They get all hysterical over Trump.
    All loving relationships they cancelled.


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