Aging Fool – IOTW Report

Aging Fool

39 Comments on Aging Fool

  1. Could the real reason Robert DeNiros been so upset with Trump be that he hasn’t been fully able to exploit the US government & Trump to develop his resort in Barbuda as a result of Hurricane Irma? Does Bobby need, does Bobby want, US taxpayer’s dollars to develop his resort instead of his own?

    Is that what Bobbys really about? Da buck? Our buck not his own.

  2. As Howie Carr asked on his radio show yesterday, what has President Trump done that directly affects Robert DiNero besides increasing the value of his stock portfolio?

  3. Enjoyed some of his acting.
    Never expected him to be particularly bright – being an actor, after all.
    “He don’t think too good” is the way it used to be put.

    He reads others’ lines and orgasms at applause – not much there, there.
    Give him a break – he has to suck up to the Hollyweird elite if he wants to continue with his schtick – same as the rest of those goose-stepping morons.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Just another actor who sold his soul to Hollywood. Used, misused and deflated like one of those Mylar balloons hanging on a wire. The shine is gone, the helium is gone and it flaps around getting little attention, beating itself to death.

  5. I think it’s great, the mask is coming off, their real feelings are becoming widely known and understood.
    They are perverts, check.
    They are unpatriotic, check.
    The go by a different set of “rules” and feel they are entitled to them, check.
    They don’t give a shit about the Deplorables station in life, check.
    Anybody outside their own little circle of friends and acquaintances are not worth drawing breath, call in PP, check.
    An American citizen and patriot is worth less than a line jumping wetback, check.
    A “religion” that openly kills and advocates for killing people of another religion, or not, is embraced and protected, check.
    Our vets are disposable, not worth the worry, check.

    I am sure there are a lot more, let’s have a game, make a list, check it twice.
    Hint, hint.

  6. Every time I hear a MAJOR over-the-top, off-the-rails tirade and rant from these Hollywood lefties, then I think … “the Projection is strong with this one.” A big fucking clue that something strange, illegal or a coverup has taken place……

    Rosie O’Donnell, Ashley Judd, and now Robert de Niro… sure that there are many others on this list.

  7. his language gives away his anti intellectual mental stance and that of his audience as well.

    if brains were dynamite he and them couldn’t blow their nose.

    did he have sex with weinstein too ?

  8. You’re boring us, Bob. I hate predictability and conformity. And just as Cosby’s real life was nothing like his real persona, you aren’t the tough guy you portray on the screen.

    You’re a suck up and a narcissistic pussy.

  9. By gosh, it just dawned on me. The old Buck Owens & his Buckaroos song ” Act Naturally” was about R. DeNiro.

    Perfect fit with only two words changed from the official lyrics
    (done i suspect to avoid being sued by RD, “mad & looney” + “big fool” identified no one else)

    They’re gonna put me in the movies
    They’re gonna make a big star out of me
    We’ll make a film about a man that’s mad and looney
    And all I gotta do is act naturally…

    Buck Owens & His Buckaroos – Act Naturally [Live] – 1966 .

  10. What do you expect from a court jester that dropped out of HS to pursue “acting?” His comprehension of the complexities of politics doesn’t extend beyond the tip of his tiny prick. Frankly, I’m adding him to my dead pool out of an abundance of hope and change.


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