UPDATE: uh oh. The comments came back before I could get to everyone. And now you can comment back! DOH! (By the way. It was a global WordPress issue across platform.)
UPDATE 2: Some are confused by this thread. What happened was there was about a 2 hour outage where no one could comment because of a wordpress glitch. So I decided to make a post where I could heckle readers when they had no ability to fire back.
Because the comments are glitched up I can take this opportunity to say a few things and no one can say anything back!!!
Mwa hahahahahahaha.
Chalupa. We get it. You’re fast. You’re clever. Give someone else a chance to think of the good stuff.
Moe Tom. Gotta stop commenting after the first pint or so.
Uncle Al. Mensa called. They want to know what the hell you’re doing at iOTWreport.
Greetings From Yonkers. Tell us what you really think.
Czar. You’re probably the one that broke the comment section.
MJA. There’s some soap somewhere in your house. Eat some. Potty mouth.
Angry White Dude. You wash out your mouth too. Not because you curse, though.
Death By Farts. When a door closes, 3 or 4 windows open.
Mr. Pinko. You just like Trump because you’re used to hearing, “you’re fired.”
Jerry Manderin. Maury called. I am the father.
Unruly Refugee. The only refugee Trump’s not going to throw out.
Boo2. Salut!
Joe6Pack. Slacker. You do nothing for this site.
JC Lady. Jared’s the only one that doesn’t suck.
C. Steven Tucker. We get it. You’re eloquent, smart, bla bla bla. But you still live in Chicago.
D.B. Cooper. You made that one brilliant comment, best ever on iOTWreport, and then you just disappeared.
Salve. If only they knew who you were.
Billy Fuster. I was only kidding. You suck on guitar.
Bad Brad. You prove every day that muscles have feelings.
Diogenes. The only person that can type with an accent.
Sylvia. Slut.
Abigail Adams. Another smarty pants, making me look bad.
Rosalind. I can’t help it. I picture you in The Trouble With Angels.
Super Toe. The worst action comic hero ever.
Reddecaesari. You could easily start your own blog on the tips I don’t use.
Boobie. You probably have the most comments out of anyone on iOTW. Gets you nothing, in case you’re wondering.
Eugenia. There’s a street near me with this name. Just thought I’d say so.
Ohio Dan. Left Coast Dan. – I think a house exchange would be a great experiment.
Plain Jane. – Reverse psychology with the name. We get it.
Merry Poppet. JKLLBT GHIUST DLL (You’ll spend weeks before you realize this is gibberish.)
*** Glitch fixed. Commenters can fight back now. I’m ending these updates.***
I don’t fucking cuss that much. You overfuckingexaggerate sometimes.
Damn, that felt good. I was holding that in for a fucking half hour.
Shouldn’t talk like that MJA.
You’re giving me a chubby.
Can I comment yet? Too soon? 🙂
Hoe Lee Crap….you think this was FUNNY???….I was having withdrawal symptoms …. my palms are still sweating!……actually had to go to my ‘secret hiding place’ & line up some of my ’emergency supplies’ in case it was for the long haul…..ha ha ha….indeed!
Slow down, you move too fast. Gotta make the blogging last…
You’re lucky I didn’t get to you yet.
buncha teachers pets . . .
Whew! I was spared, hehehe.
Damn, I missed it.
Yours was –
Maybe every once in a awhile, on any given Sunday, maybe some plant life. Bacterium.
Maybe the WP issue is why I could not post on CTH the last couple weeks?
BTW, Read IOTWR everyday Great Site BFH!
“..blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy” 😉
This is exactly the attitude that always has you on double secret probation.
This is your brain on Family Court.
You can’t comment at CTH because there are no fonts left!!
The most prolific commenters on the internet.
And good, too.
I’ll spend hours reading the comments like a blog in itself.
I checked out Mensa many years ago, and then a second time within the last decade or so at the insistence of a friend. I wasn’t impressed. They could do logic and math puzzles in a flash but had trouble tying their shoes. That plus an almost anencephalic lack of humor, and a collectivist mindset (“We – WE are the smartest!!!11!!1″), prompted me to delete them from my “Contacts”.
But thanks for the compliment (?) anyway!
What the hell did I miss?
See? I’m so smart I fucked up the HTML end-bold tag.
If you did this alphabetically, I think you skipped me. *blink*blink*
And I’m re-thinking the compliment from your last Pet Portrait.
But thanks for the compliment (?) anyway!
Develop an algorithm to figure out whether this was a compliment or not!
(I just know you’re going to tell me I used the algorithm reference incorrectly!)
I come here for the over abundance of Bernie Sanders supporters.
Pet portrait?
That was your high school yearbook picture.
You want me to insult the only contributor that gives us an air of respectability?
Oh, wait. Aurelius can be sent out as a dignitary too.
I dodged the bullet. Finally that bribe money I’ve been sending pays off.
When I realized I couldn’t comment this afternoon a panic attack ensued. Eventually my body atrophied right here in my chair while staring at IOTW. Then fog overtook my mind. I was on my way into total depression, but I snapped out of it when I realized there was an, as yet unseen Trump speech in the bookmarks. All is good now. Bless you Fur.
Well, okay. If ya put it that way. 🙂
I belong to a Mexican group called MENSO.
No bullet dodged. You were in there.
I have no idea why I wrote that ….. must be the lapsed Baptist in me …..
Same here for DH and me also Uncle Al. Blowhards and some seem to be mildly sociopathic. I’d rather spend time with Jed Clapett types.
I can’t risk insulting you. You have too much on me. You know too much.
That’s better a cut above the group headed by Jar Jar Binks – “Meesoo.”
Hmmph. I belong to the freshmaker; MENTOS
¿Las Mensas son más intelligente, no?
And she says this AFTER we already had sex. That’s not good.
Not at all! Your use of “algorithm” is spot on. My problem is that natural language evaluation algorithms are non-trivial (meaning I find them really, really hard). Gimme until Thursday to think about it and then I’ll tell you to get stuffed! (-:
Me too!
I need to start cuss’in like the girls here.
no comment
I come here because I’ve been banned from all the legitimate sites.
I was hoping it was Ad supply and it would just go away.
How did I miss this? Must have had my head up my ass again!
How many here got banned at LGF?
heh! I’m just happy to be the IOTWr hall monitor. You people are funny, funny in a good way.
That’s our new tag line.
iOTWreport.com –
illegitimate and proud of it.
Ok Fur what is Salut??
Is that an insult??
And what am I? Chopped liver? (Don’t answer that.)
No insult. A few of these weren’t.
That means I bought you a drink.
I’m having ginger ale. What’ll you have?
Oh, thanks a lot, Mr Hat. Now I can’t get the 59th Street Bridge Song out of my head.
One of the first, right before The Fall.
I was only aware that the comments were down for an hour,
Cut me some slack.
(I was standing in line at the PO mailing some truck magnets for 35 minutes. THIRTY-FIVE MINUTES.)
Not sure whether to feel relieved or ignored. Gonna go with relieved, though, and consider myself fortunate…
What was/is LGF?
Damn. M’name in a post and everything.
FWIW, that’s what the nuns said about me after the movie came out. Told my parents about your remark tonight. They had a good laugh & remembered the nuns also.
Still getting in trouble, despite my standard ‘I’ll be good’ farewell.
My 21 inch arms are conflicted. The left one is laughing and the right one is crying.
Bingo, Plain Jane. I learned long ago, fortunately, that although I know stuff and can do things that some other people don’t know and can’t do, ALL other people know things and can do things not in my repertoire. That make the world interesting and the division of labor wealth-growing!
If you like your house, you can keep your house.
Ahahahahaha. I had one in there just before comments came back and I didn’t save the update.
It said-
“We’ll have the kid’s picnic bench reserved for the following at the iOTWreport barbecue-”
Your name was in there.
But I have you in the Rosalind Russell role!
21 inch arms? My gawd, man, how on earth do you tie your shoes?
You didn’t insult me. I feel left out and cheated.
Well no wonder my kids, uhhhhhh…YOUR kids are so damn beautiful! ?
Sniffle, sniffle, I haven’t been commenting much lately. Got an offer I couldn’t refuse to come out of retirement . . and to support my Texas Hold ‘Em uh, er, hobby.
Aww! Aren’t you a sweetie?!
Since I gave up drinking years ago I’ll have what you are having. ☺️
Took a while answering you. This damn phone is old!
Easy, I only have a 15 inch chest. LOL
So, I’m invisible to you now? That’s cool, I’ve always wanted a superpower. ~Sarcasm~
This is one of the funniest things you (BFH) have done in a while.
I was thinking the same thing over the years but I don’t want to hurt people’s feelings.
My God how do you wipe your ass?
You people are sick. Waiting in line to be abused by BFH.
Wait…I feel left out. Please BFH insult and abuse me!
I don’t say much after one pint, three Dewars, maybe. I rarely curse, that I know of. I went to Catholic school, so I don’t lie, hardly ever. Now STFU Brad!
I wasn’t going to say anything.
Well, except you make more sense when you’re hammered. LOL
If I win the billion dollar lottery, I’m going to buy a town and name it iOTWrVille.
Fur will be the mayor, Mr. Pinko the sheriff, Irony Curtain the bar tender, MJA the social director, illustr8r the art museum curator, Dr. Tar the education director, and I’ll run the zoo.
What will the rest of you all be?
Whale oil beef hooked! What in tarnation did I miss?
That was me.
Awesome idea! I’d be perfect because I hate people! 😀
I was thinking more of the sequel – still Ros 🙂
Wasted Away Again in iOTWrVille.
Yep I, the guy occasionally confused with Left Coast Dan, was in there. I guess I have to up my bribe money. Time was, when you bribed someone the sonofabitch stayed bribed. (Ripped off from “Used Cars.” BTW, Sorry Left Coast Dan, no way in hell I am moving to the land of fruits and nuts. It is a fun place to visit though.
make sure the hardware store has gum.
Why am I always the last to know anything. I have no idea what is going on here.
That’s OK Tuesday none of us know what’s going on. We just pretend like we do.
I’ll be the town scholar (fifth grade education).
Haha, maybe you and Mr. Pinko could swap jobs! Then you could do the head busting!
Claudia runs the zoo. BFH and I will open a poker room. iOTW bucks not accepted.
Dr. Tar will judge the annual spelling bee.
Well, THAT just rolls right off the tongue.
Ginger will open an Anger Management clinic and give Kazoo lessons.
Chalupa’s Improv Comedy Club guarantees fresh material every night.
It’s your name…you’re not supposed to find out until tomorrow….
Bad_Brad should do that.
Not the Taminator?
Little Green Footballs.
Charles Johnson is a blogger who went from right-wing (becoming big after doing a flashing gif of the Dan Rather memo that was discredited) to one of the most anger filled childish lefties on the internet.
If you teeter ever so gently off of his own personal narrative, even if it’s still left-wing, you’re instantly banned.
The guy is a mental case.
A bloated, pasty, talentless mental case.
Hahahahaha! Well, that explains it!
Still flyin’ under the radar, that’s good.
You’re doing a great job then, Magnum — sure had ME fooled! 😉
I only drink if I’m playing cards.
I bubbled 3 tournies in a row. All in the most heinous way.
Last one was ridiculous.
… and you arrrrrrrrrrrrreeeee????…
Honestly, I thought the outage would last longer and I was going to milk it all night, eventually getting to just about everyone.
I was going to use the comments list.
I was prepared to go 1000 deep!!!
Then I got an email saying “crisis over.”
This is getting a little too psychosexual…
Go to the dentist if you need this kind of abuse. A sarcastic dentist.
I feel somewhat offended that I didn’t make the list.
BTW, what the hell is this about?
Appreciate the kind words sir but we prefer the People’s Republik of Madiganistan.
Beautifully said Uncle Al.
The infamous kazoo incident was, indeed, Ginger.
So you will not be in charge of archives!
And I don’t wanna be mayor.
I wanna be #1 drive time on KIOTW-AM. The BIG talker.
I did similar for the past few tourneys – 50-70 players – I finished in the teens – frustrating. Finally cashed yesterday. got $245 for $55 entry. My faith in myself is restored . . . for another week or so.
You ought to get one of those old T-shirts:
Whip Me, Beat Me,
Make Me Write Bad Checks
Can I please be the down trunk?
Sounds like fun until I’d get kicked out. If I knew what type of batshi*t crazy, I’d know which buttons to push right away.
I’m so glad I missed the downtime, would have started scratching like a heroin addict with too long between fixes.
As my mother would put it: “Aren’t you glad the whole world isn’t exactly like you?”
Yeah, that would be a hell of a lesser, limited world.
I’ll do it!! I’m big on music too, so the bands will all have to be funny – like the Beat Farmers –
I’ll be the Bar Owner at IOTWville. Irony can work for me, no problem. Brad as bouncer. But when I come back from vacation, suddenly and unexpected, if there is more than one cash register, I’ll fire both of them on the spot and hire Yonkers.
I believe I was #5 in iowntheworld posts in 2014.
(ratings for 2015 delayed sue to new IP Host)
Yet I DON’T warrant an insult from
BigFrumpHat, the Insult Comic Dog?!
I must change my alias to Rodney Dangerfield.
*stomps feet*
…You calling me childish or something?
I’ll be the smart aleck kid that drag races through town in his 34 four deuce coupe, flirting with the girls, yet is incredibly handsome.
*Ford Deuce Coupe (or on a Harley with leather jacket.)
to find out how i feel about this column, please visit me at my new blog
I don’t want to be the bouncer. I want to be the Pole Dancer.
The Sheriff? You trust me with a gun and one bullet?
Ha! You got insulted…I got an Uber driver that spoke no Engrish.
And I thought my new browser was having a small issue.
Great, all is right!
I’m on the bottom of the list now. and that’s where I most likely rate, but I can’t help but say something. Thanks to all of you on this crazy blog site for entertaining me at the very least. I learn a lot here too. I appreciate it!
From the wet brush on the left coast,
CHEERS! and watch your 6.
She told all of us it was the best 30 seconds of her life.
This comment was for Brad. How it got up top? No idea.
(My God how do you tie your shoes?)
My God how do you wipe your ass?
Read more at https://iotwreport.com/ahahaha-bfh-taking-advantage-of-a-crisis/#PTIBszzvK6TqDOy5.99
Crap I’ll end up as the village idiot. No wait, that’s good because no one will have any expectations of me. Then that would make me the token village Demorat.
Please, no more groupies. You should see my e mail in the morning.
Eugenia Victoria Tooms the Evil Bunny was my house rabbit many years ago. She was named after an X-Files character a genetic mutant serial killer who was capable of squeezing his body through narrow gaps.
dammit, I donate $5 bucks & a bunch of fishin’ lures and I don’t get mentioned? Well, I know how to fix that. I know people in PSL city gummint – I’m callin’ them up and gittin’ yer water turned off.
Plus there’s this weird wet stuff coming out of the sky.
It appears similar to the stuff I surf in, but I’m not sure. And it hasn’t been taxed yet. 😉
All of us regulars are insulted that we weren’t personally insulted by BFH.
We come here looking for an unsafe space and we get let down.
Next time I expect a trigger warning that I will not be singled out and not insulted.
As a punishment I think BigFurHat should be required to transcribe tomorrows State Of The Union address…
I’ll gladly be the town’s taster and licenser of restaurants.
Oh geez.
You’re practically in Ferguson!!
Have you been to the Shrine of Brown?
Did you lay a wreath.. or
Ain’t that the truth. This is why I’m moving to Northwest Indiana this year. House shopping now.
Keep in mind, I was wearing button fly jeans.
Wait, that makes it worse.
Merci beaucoup Monsieur Fur, I think…… 😉
I have a complete dossier, my friend.
We’re watching.
Temperamentalness (Al, is that a word?) is what broke up Allen and Rossi.
HA. When we were redesigning, and renaming the site, the name I wanted was Blogeteria.
I was shot down by a focus group.
Water tastes like shit here anyway.
You’re gonna have to do a lot better than that.
I knew this was a bad idea. Bunch of friggin participation trophy snowflakes.
You’re all equally SPECIAL!
Except, Groucho Marxist.
He sucks.
Apology accepted.
BTW, I love the new ‘Biggie For Hillary’ logo you are sporting these days… 🙂
Glad things are back on track and snarky comments still rule at iOTWr.
This was a fun thread. I could be wrong cause I’m really old but years ago
before the Ron Paul affair. When there were many commenters I seem to remember fun nights like this several times a week. I think Tammy was there.
One thread was about what you see from various roads around LA.
I have them printed out somewhere but I can’t find them.
I like politically un-correct comments. Could not believe you told you know who
To slow down. I totally agree.
My mother told me it’s ok to be smarter than most people.
It’s not alright to tell them.
Really I feel so left out. 🙁
29. This is one instance where you shouldn’t round up.
I don’t need no Al Gore rhythm.
Sorry that one’s already been taken by the subject children of New York City Family Court.
I know it was Ginger that hates kazoos, but I want Tammy to be the Anger Management Counselor. That way we have no angry people!
Ha Ha Ha I’m not on the list. Hat likes me better than you. Nyaa Nyaa, nya, nya, NYAAAAA, nya. :–)
That’s Sexist! And absolutely un-true!
Just like high school . . . I’m still not one of the cool kids.
You wear one of those things??!!
Oh, wait, you mean busted by a dossier, never mind.
Bitch, that’s MY job!
What, Larry the Leftist Faggot is suddenly off your shit list?
Who you be calling Bitch Bitch? Only one way to settle this. Dance Off. You pick one judge and I’ll pick one.
That’s quite a compliment. Thank you.