Ahahhaahahahahaaa… – IOTW Report


I’d be filling empty bottles from the trash with bathroom tap water and selling them for $3.50 each.

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11 Comments on Ahahhaahahahahaaa…

  1. They figure if you’re stupid enough to spend hundreds of dollars on a fucking ticket just to watch a football game, then you’re stupid enough to spend 13 dollars on a beer…And they are right.

    I don’t watch football….Football players are just as bad as celebrities. They make millions of dollars just to play a game, enjoy the summers off, cheat on their wives, and relax in their million dollar mansions. If your team wins or loses, it doesn’t affect your life whatsoever, you’re just out some money, while they get it. And if you think those jocks give one flying fuck about their fans, you’d be sorely surprised.


  2. It’s the freakin superbowl, IN CALIFORNIA – what do you expect? It isn’t going to be priced like a small town bowling alley.

    You’ve got the baseline cost of “Beer at a Sporting Event” Not cheap anyway.

    Add on the NFL premium.

    Add on major game premium.

    Add on SUPERBOWL premium.

    Add on California is more expensive anyway premium.

    BAM, those prices are a bargain, quit complaining.


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