Ahead of DNC, Philly Fraternal Order of Police Send Hillary Scathing Denouncement – IOTW Report

Ahead of DNC, Philly Fraternal Order of Police Send Hillary Scathing Denouncement


14 Comments on Ahead of DNC, Philly Fraternal Order of Police Send Hillary Scathing Denouncement

  1. Looks like a good week to watch baseball or history channel or … Whatever.
    Guaranteed that viewers of DNC Convention will lose 5 IQ per hour watched. Most who tune in haven’t a surplus to sacrifice.

  2. A person has to be absolutely MORALLY BANKRUPT to put your personal endorsement behind that TREASONOUS BITCH!!! If I could say it any more emphatically I would.

  3. So, I’m guessing no “voluntary overtime” to provide extra police protection for the DNC convention?
    I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a “blue flu” on those scheduled to provide mandatory police protection.
    “Hey, Sarge, can’t come in to pull my shift today. I gots a cold . See ya after the convention .”
    Yep. I can see lots and lots of that.

  4. Democrats can’t even bring themselves to denounce murderous racists. Is that really a good strategy? To side with tribal 3rd-world killers over loyal democrat police unions?

  5. Then refuse to provide security. Tell them they can get BLM and/or the New Black Panthers to protect them and while you’re at it tear down that damn wall they put up. If us Americans can’t have a wall on our Southern border and these idiots want to give speeches in Spanish then they shouldn’t need any damn wall.

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