Ahead of ex-president’s arraignment: Trump SURGES in polls and raises record $8M – IOTW Report

Ahead of ex-president’s arraignment: Trump SURGES in polls and raises record $8M


The drama at the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse began hours before Trump’s arraignment on Tuesday when some of his fervent fans clashed with aggrieved protesters as the tension and anticipation surrounding his historic appearance bubbled over.  

The former president is expected to leave Trump Tower for the downtown courthouse in Manhattan at 10.30am today, flanked by a Secret Service and NYPD motorcade that will trigger rolling road closures. 

At the courthouse, journalists from around the world lined up through the night to ensure their space in the courtroom. After dawn, protesters on both sides descended on the building and were separated by NYPD barricades.

The case has bolstered support among his die-hard donors and fans; in Massachusetts and New Hampshire Trump now leads main rival Ron DeSantis. 

Trump now leads in both states. In Massachusetts, he has a 24 point lead on DeSantis, according to new Boston Herald/Opinion Diagnostics poll. In New Hampshire, his lead is narrower at 13 percent. 

Since the indictment was handed down last Thursday, Trump’s team says he has raised a record $8million in donations. 

21 Comments on Ahead of ex-president’s arraignment: Trump SURGES in polls and raises record $8M

  1. I think what the Democrats did here was brilliant. Wait, I hate when people overuse that word, what they did was calculated and effective.

    Everyone knows these charges are over-reaching and unwarranted, so why did Bragg go forward? Very simple, to get Trump the nomination because he can be beaten in the general.

    The latest Quinnipiac poll has RDS beating Trump by huge double digits with Independents, NOBODY wins the general without Independent support, ergo, paint Trump with the mere appearance of criminality, something they have been doing for 6 years now, and the Independents will flock to the Democrat nominee.

    Will this work? Of course, it will, hence all the money and support that Trump is getting now. He is a shoe-in for the nomination and bad news for any inclinations RDS had for running.

  2. Millions should be at the courthouse to protest, but wth we’re Americans, not Brazilians, or Frenchmen, Canadian truckers or Dutchmen who fight for their rights.

  3. @Barry
    AT 12:05 PM
    “60% of Americans support the indictment.”

    Well, if the indictment results in Trump surging in the polls, and subsequently winning the election in ‘24, well then, in a roundabout way, I guess I too support the indictment!

  4. @Rich Taylor
    AT 10:57 AM
    “The latest Quinnipiac poll has RDS beating Trump by huge double digits with Independents, NOBODY wins the general without Independent support…”

    And yet, multiple polls have Trump leading RDS by 20+points among republicans. And 20% republican beats your 10% independents any day of the week.

    You seem to think that if DeSantis is the nominee, the dems will magically just lay down and let him win? You might be right given he is a RINO, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

    But in the end polls mean little this far away from the election.

  5. Rich Taylor, look up and take a breath.
    The democrats can dance like no one is watching and they are still fucking traitors. Does clever work when you hurt the neighbor’s kids and he’s coming to KICK YOUR ASS??

    THERE WILL BE NO PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION as we knew them. This country is blowing apart in amazing speed like a tornado hit it.

    May God, and his bodyguards, keep Trump safe for what comes next. In CHAOS, people will not be looking for new untested leaders for some time to come.

  6. “And 20% republican beats your 10% independents any day of the week.”

    Ummm, no.

    If Trump got every single Republican vote, all the RINO’s, all the never-Trumpers, all of them, every one, it still would not be enough to win the general. He will need some Independent support, it is like that in every single election.

    Trump carried the Independents in 2016 46% to 42% for Clinton (and he still lost the majority vote, BTW). He is going to need a similar percentage in 2024 to win. Right now the Independents favor RDS. Sure, that could change and if Trump gets the nomination, just like 2016, he is going to have to convince the Independents to vote for him. No president has ever been elected without significant Independent support, that was all I was saying.

    “You seem to think that if DeSantis is the nominee, the dems will magically just lay down and let him win?”

    Again, no. Nowhere have I ever said that, inferred that, or even hinted at that. They will go after whoever gets the nomination like they always do.

    The Dems think they can beat Trump so they maneuvered an easily swayable DA to file bogus charges so the base will rally behind a wrongly persecuted candidate. This was very smart on their part.

  7. @Anonymous

    Looking up (Wow, that shade of Swiss Coffee White is perfect for my ceiling) and breathing, in and out, hold it ,”Om Mani Padme Hum”. I am now centered, my ying in perfect harmony with my yang. OK, done.

  8. I don’t support any American being falsely accused just because the other party doesn’t like him. That is wrong. Probably why Trump is surging in the polls and raising money. Trump has quite the war chest and he’ll use it however way he chooses. I don’t support homosexuals or those that do.

  9. The second part of this magnum opus is to delay the actual trial as long as possible. With all the stars aligning perfectly it will still take several months before this sees a courtroom. A delay serves 2 purposes; it keeps Trump’s tainted name fresh and in front of the Independents, and it gets out of the way for other civil/criminal actions to percolate. With any luck at all Bragg figures Trump will be found guilty of something before his circus show and this might sway the jury his way. Bragg knows he has a loser, but after a couple of fallen dominoes in front of him, who knows?

  10. Rich: Trump got the independent vote in ‘16 and ‘20. Just because one poll shows them favoring DeSantis over him now, does not mean they will not vote for him if he is the nominee. Or are you projecting? Are you hinting that you won’t vote for him in the general election? Even Loco said he would vote for Trump if he is the nominee!

  11. “Even Loco said he would vote for Trump if he is the nominee!”

    I will vote for the nominee, whoever it is, which I’ve said about half a dozen times here.

    Trump did NOT win the Independents in 2020, least according to Pew Research, 52% went for Biden and 43% went for Trump. Independents decide elections, Trump will need to convince them to have any chance at all.

  12. Rich, honey,
    what ‘facts’ about the 2020 would you stake anything on??

    You make yourself sound like a breathless stunad. And no one gives a shit about your yang


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