Ahead of Vermont Guv Signing High Capacity Magazine Bill, Gun Rights Activists Hands Them Out For Free – IOTW Report

Ahead of Vermont Guv Signing High Capacity Magazine Bill, Gun Rights Activists Hands Them Out For Free


Gun rights activists were handing out high-capacity magazines at a rally outside the Vermont State House on Saturday to protest new legislation that would ban them and increase gun control in the state.

Hundreds of protesters gathered to urge Republican Gov. Phil Scott not to sign a new bill that would ban high-capacity magazines and bump stocks, expand background checks for private gun sales and raise the legal age for gun purchases.

The measure was approved by the State House earlier this week and then again by the Senate on Friday in a 17-13 vote.

Protesters were handed nearly 1,200 high-capacity magazines, which hold 30 rounds of ammunition. A standard-capacity magazine holds around 10 rounds, according to Congressionalsportsmen.org, though this can vary.

If the bill is signed by Scott, those who already own high-capacity magazines will be allowed to keep them.

Scott has indicated that he intends to sign the bill, and though he understands the disappointment of some in Vermont, he has faith that they will “get accustomed to the new normal.”


13 Comments on Ahead of Vermont Guv Signing High Capacity Magazine Bill, Gun Rights Activists Hands Them Out For Free

  1. I read where Judge Jay said after passing Marbury v Madison (unconstitutional) stated, If a law violates the Constitution, ignore it. It’s not really a law.

    Seems like good advice. Patriot nullification.

  2. The law-abiding better TAKE ‘EM now, because once they’re banned, ONLY the gang-bangaz have ’em after that! NYC, Shitcago, Boston, LA, et.al. 😳

  3. Actually 20-30 round magazines are standard capacity. The little 10 round mini-magazines are just little 10 round mini-magazines.

    Don’t adopt their nomenclature, it’s incorrect. When they distort the language they distort the debate.

    oh, and IRL, high capacity magazines are more like 75-150 rounds.

  4. Republicans all across this country have become nothing but liberals, all declaring war against their citizens. Every state needs to figure out how to recall these scumbags. We also need to take away the incentives to be a politician. Give them no salary, no retirement, and no health insurance, only reimburse them for travel expenses. Even where there are term limits, it doesn’t work. They inflict as much damage as possible during their limited terms. You can’t trust what any of them say, including those who never ran for office before.

    Outside of a civil war, recall and no money is the only thing I can see to stop them from stripping us of our rights.

  5. So, any state Legislature can rescind (or “limit”), say, the 13th Amendment?
    Put all the negroes in chains, for instance?
    Or put all 11 (40) Million illegal-aliens in chains?

    Is it only me, or does this seem like a dangerous “precedent?”
    Once the door is opened to tyranny, it is difficult to close.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I consider 30 round mags standard because that’s what were issued to me and came with my AR. Also Whenever I go on base all the Security Police have standard 30 round mags.

  7. Tim, when you start hearing them say, “you’ll get used to the new normal,” I think tyranny is just around the corner.

    It doesn’t seem to matter these days, Republican or Democrat, vet or non-vet, red state or blue state, they all seem to believe they will do whatever they want and we’ll get used to it. Some states it’s gun laws, others raising taxes, others spending more, others giving themselves raises or public employees raises, others welcoming Muslims and illegals.

    I read the other day about some elected Republican yelling at another elected Republican that he was going to start a civil war because he had the audacity to not only vote against raising taxes, but was meeting with a citizen group against raising taxes.

    It appears to me those in power all across the country are declaring war against their citizens.


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