Ahhh hahahahahahaha- Some guy makes an unintentionally hilarious video about the importance of diversity – IOTW Report

Ahhh hahahahahahaha- Some guy makes an unintentionally hilarious video about the importance of diversity

I knew this would be comedy gold. Even though this dope was attempting to make an earnest video about the importance of diverse thinking, saying that diversity isn’t about race, sex and sexual orientation, it was inevitable that he would reveal himself to be a bouncer in the echo chamber he claims he eschews in his fart-cupping video.

He lists a few “complex problems” that can be better solved through diverse thinking, one of which is CLIMATE CHANGE!!!

The video is still taxiing on the runway and already he’s established that climate change is real and must be solved! Anyone who believes climate change is not a crisis is not welcomed to the “diverse problem solving round table.”

In the comments Kirby, the video maker, drops this tidbit in response to a viewer’s comment:

Delicious Dishes- If you want to solve climate change, the idea that climate change doesn’t even exist is not useful. It’s actually a hindrance. That’s why “diversity of thought” doesn’t mean anything by itself.

I think this is a legitimate point. “Diversity of thought” does not mean all opinions are valid. If someone is factually wrong about a problem, their strategy to fix it will not work.


25 Comments on Ahhh hahahahahahaha- Some guy makes an unintentionally hilarious video about the importance of diversity

  1. When he talks about how “diverse groups” compete with each other and the best ideas and solutions prevail, I guess he assumes that this Grand Idea started only recently. If a group is dominant now… then… what? We have to have some kind of evolutionary do-over (boosted by a conscious affirmative action)?

  2. We just went through 8 years of this thought process. It continues in many Libtard run states and cities. The flag ship probably being San Fransisco. Problem solving with diversity for diversities sake leads to adversity for the rest of us. If that guy that wrote this book ever gets a blood clot stuck in his neck I hope he consults with the politician and the writer first.

  3. Ignoring the global warming bit for a second. The man said a whole lot of nothing. 50 cent words and a PowerPoint presentation that looked like a vendor sales presentation that says nothing. Such as one I endured recently ..our software is seamless, frictionless and scalable. It was all I could do to suppress the urge to ask him if he was selling pantyhose.

  4. We’ll create two Teams of People
    Team #1
    Einstein, Trump ,Henry Ford and Thomas Sowell

    Team #2
    Achmed the korandathal, Sharpton, Pelosi, Ocasio, Castro and Burnie Sanders

    Who do You think Solves the problems assigned?

  5. There was pop psychology back in the ’70’s. This guy’s just a commie technocrat and “diversity” (whatever the hell that is) is just a modern POP GOVERNMENT I’m Okay, You’re Okay.

  6. The communist continually attack. It’s non stop on many fronts. Relentless pressure on every aspect of life as we like it. When you boil this crap down, it’s an attack on Logical Thought Process.

  7. Not reading anything into it but couldn’t help but notice, he started bleating the usual leftist platitudes on the left side of the screen.

    Then he was suddenly on the right when he began talking about freedom of thought.

    THEN he was in the middle saying nothing and I turned him off.

  8. “Diversity tends to beat less diverse rivals and it doesn’t win because it’s right, because it’s just or moral. It might be all of those things but that isn’t why it wins. Diversity wins because it is a better way to solve complex problems.”

    Let me get this straight. Let’s solve the illegal alien border crossing complex problem:

    The Democrats say, “Let them in. We are a rich country. The taxpayers will take care of them.”

    The elite Republicans say, “Build a wall. Let them come to the gate and we will give them asylum and maybe turn back a few. The taxpayers will take care of them.”

    The Conservatives say, “Build a wall, use eVerify before employment, proof of citizenship to vote, turn away all seeking to abuse our welfare system and maybe grant asylum to a few that demonstrate why they need it.”

    The *Military says, “Shoot all who cross the border illegally.”

    So, who solves this complex problem the best? Who wins?

    Whoa, wait a minute. Remember that you said it doesn’t matter if it’s right, just or moral; just who solves it best wins.

    You made the rule; now live with it.

    *I’m just using Military for the sake of the argument, not as a judgement!

    Edit: Claudia

  9. “diverse groups” compete with each other and the best ideas and solutions prevail,. The ones with the most guns and ammo prevail if History is teaches us anything.


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