AHHhahaha- Occupy Puts Out a Video To Slam Trump and It Slams the Left – IOTW Report

AHHhahaha- Occupy Puts Out a Video To Slam Trump and It Slams the Left

The problem is the Mexican is probably too stupid to realize he’s a conservative.

He whines that he makes $1100 a week and the government takes $350 of it to pay for “drug addicts.”

Hey, you should be in our tent, buddy. The guy taking your video wants more taxes, AND assuming you work more than 40 hours a week (my guess is you work 60 hours a week, working out to about 18 bucks an hour), he wants to pay a floor sweeper 15 bucks an hour.

How does that make you feel? Like you want to get a broom, get out of the sun and do some drugs?

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HT/ Mr. Pinko


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