ahhhhh hahahahahahahaahaaahahaahahahahahahaaaa (breathe) ahhhhhhh haahahaahahahahahahahahahaha – IOTW Report

ahhhhh hahahahahahahaahaaahahaahahahahahahaaaa (breathe) ahhhhhhh haahahaahahahahahahahahahaha

56 Comments on ahhhhh hahahahahahahaahaaahahaahahahahahahaaaa (breathe) ahhhhhhh haahahaahahahahahahahahahaha

  1. If I had been born with her body when she was younger and my brain I would have owned most of Europe by now. Several castles where I didn’t use the same toilet for weeks at a time and a pretty nice collection of cars and jets….What a waste of bodacious tatas….

  2. Saying that is asinine. And if she is so utterly ashamed….well, you know. Funny how being oh-so-sorry doesn’t change her skin color, though. And she’s thinking, “And thank God, too!” Hate to break it to her, but she’s not “all that and a bag of chips.” Better she should be ashamed of being a racist in Liberal skin.

    See how that works for these morally superior asses?

  3. There are several ways she could end her distress. One in particular could do the job in a few seconds, or longer, depending on the method.

    Let her not despair one minute longer. You go, girl.

  4. Why should I have to apologize for being born a white male anymore than anyone else should apologize for being who they are. I will not let guilt get in my way of being who I am and what I am. I refuse to play their stupid game and they can just leave me and others like me alone.

  5. Worthless for doing anybody any good that really needs it. Why doesn’t she just go back and crawl onto her designated casting couch for this disgusting display of word vomit? Whose personal slave is she? She is definitely not free, but owned.

  6. And that’s why the unknown Obama got himself elected. White guilt.

    I don’t suffer from that because I experienced no white privilege. Growing up too poor to afford underwear and eating beans for dinner isn’t a privilege. Hard work and using my brain is why I don’t live under an overpass. A few lucky breaks, sure.

    I wasn’t given the Arquette connected inside track to wealth and fame. Phuck off, Hollywood privilege.
    Here’s your lump of brown. It may be shinola. Try to figure it out all by yourself.

  7. Uncle Al
    AUGUST 7, 2019 AT 9:04 PM
    “Hey, Rosanna! You can darken your skin with that Shinola over there. No, not that one, the other one.”

    …wait, THAT one’s not Shinola, its sh….oooooo…

    Never mind. Carry on, Rosanna…

  8. My first thought was, I know how you can fix that. Give all your money away to the underprivileged. Then, although you will still be white, you will no longer feel priveleged. Give it all away and start again at your age. If she’s being sincere (as sincere as anyone in Hollyweird could be anyway) that is a simple solution to her shame. Cold day in hell.

  9. Lance:
    Hey, whattya think about Trudi? She ain’t got a boyfriend. You wanna hang out, get high?

    Which one’s Trudi? The one with all the shit in her face?

    No, that’s Jody. That’s my wife.

  10. @MJA That brother/sister passed away in 2016 from HIV. Wikipedia said he was “gender suspicious.”

    Another fun fact is that the Arquettes are distant relatives of American explorer Meriwether Lewis. I’m sure there’s a joke in there somewhere.

  11. all you guys drooling over Rosanna’s Rack … you do realize by now they’re drooping down past her thighs … or plastic has taken over to mitigate the effects of gravity & she has some serious back problems by now

    they may have been fun bags when she was young, but you could stretch ’em out & make a wrestling mat out of them now … much like all the skin off of her face-lifts

  12. ‘suddenly seeking susan’,,,right
    You and Madonna have to get over your long lost ‘best year’ (1985).
    At least with your GrandPa everyone knew it was a dummy on his knee, unlike the family reunions,,,
    (Kinda bitchy) I know, but meant in a good way.

  13. Sorry for western civilization, and all that electricity.
    Sorry about reinforced concrete and injection molds
    Sorry about blast furnaces and hydraulics
    Sorry about tempered glass
    Sorry about weights and measures consistency
    Sorry about building codes and those damn traffic light timers.

  14. Rosanna Who…??

    Didn’t she get a few small parts in show biz, like 30 years ago??

    WGAF what she thinks?
    Or even if she does.

    Talentless irrelevant bimbos 25 years past their Cryptkeeper freshness date should neither be seen nor heard.

  15. As Ivan hinted, Roseanna does not consider for a moment that much of her privilege came from being born into a show business family. Most white people do not have half the privilege that she is so ashamed of.

  16. I am proud of my heritage, which includes Abolitionists, Underground Railroad conductors and station masters, Union soldiers, and President Abraham Lincoln himself. My family has ALREADY paid reparations in blood and treasure. Let’s see some gratitude from the descendants of the recipients of our help and support.

    Burn that symbol of Democrat treason, the Stars and Bars.

  17. While I may look like a 50yo overweight white male to you, I identify as a 65yo black pregnant womyn – and I want my reparations, social security, and back child support (I’ve been carrying around this child for nearly 20 yrs now).


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